A Beginner's Guide to Mobile Website Optimization
Use this guide to learn about all the different considerations and elements when it’s time to optimize your website for mobile devices.
Use this guide to learn about all the different considerations and elements when it’s time to optimize your website for mobile devices.
We all know we are at the peak of the hype cycle for…wait for it – Blockchain! We are also already aware of some of the benefits of blockchain - but can blockchain be applicable to traditional data management? Though real-world blockchain implementations in the enterprise are minimal so far, I do believe there is a ton of potential to solve some of the problems that businesses face.
New and Existing Applications Extend Five Year Partnership; Innovations Showcased at UN’s STI Forum 2018
They’ve grown to 75 employees in 50+ cities, have been profitable since year 2, and have raised $12 million as a tool to further their mission–here’s the story of everything in between.
Few industries have been revolutionized by big data as much as healthcare. In this episode, we talked about: Gene mapping, Creating new drugs, Real-time health data, Organ donation
A View from the Big Data & Analytics Retail Summit.
Have you ever thought about what the best charts are for visualizing distributions?
Our cadence for analyzing our performance, setting goals, developing plans and monitoring our progress.
With increasing needs for data analytics and ever more stringent laws concerning data security and privacy (looking at you, GDPR), data governance has become a business imperative for any data-driven company. Master Data Management (MDM) is an essential part of any data governance strategy, it is commonly defined as the comprehensive method used to consistently define and manage the critical data of an organization to provide a single point of reference.
Big updates to the Goals feature allow you to better identify trends, view company goal history, set progressive goals, and more.