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Display All PHP Errors: Basic & Advanced Usage

A PHP application might produce many different levels of warnings and errors during its execution. Seeing these errors is crucial for developers when troubleshooting a misbehaving application. However, many developers often encounter difficulties displaying errors in their PHP applications, leading to silent app failures.

Getting Started with Parallel Processing in PHP

"Many hands make light work" applies well to the concept of parallel processing. It means that a task becomes easier and quicker when many people work together towards a common goal. In the context of computing, parallel processing refers to the ability to divide a task into smaller parts and distribute them across multiple processors or cores to complete the task more efficiently. Parallel processing involves breaking down a complex task into simpler ones, which can be executed in parallel.

Tideways 2023.1 Release

In the 4 months since the last release (2022.4), we have been working on a number of new features and improvements that we are pleased to share with you today as part of our 2023.1 release of Tideways. In addition to the new features, we also revamped our pricing and plans at the end of March under the umbrella of “Tideways 6”. The main difference is that all plans now include all features and are now limited by transactions as the primary metric. Summary.

Named arguments in PHP 8.0

PHP is a popular server-side programming language used to build dynamic websites and applications. With the release of PHP 8.0, there are several exciting new features that developers can take advantage of to improve their code and make it more efficient. One such feature is named arguments, which allows developers to specify function arguments by name rather than just by position.

An Introduction to PHP 8.0's Null Safe Operator

Have you ever come across situations in your code where you had to check for null values before performing operations? Did you find it tedious to keep writing these checks over and over again, leading to code that is hard to read and maintain? Well, what if I told you there is a solution that can simplify your code and reduce the chances of introducing bugs? Introducing the null-safe operator! This operator is a new feature in PHP 8 that provides a concise and convenient way to perform null checks.

How to increase the PHP memory_limit for better performance?

Occasionally, you may encounter the following error: Fatal Error: Memory Size Exhausted? Or Perhaps your website has just gone blank? Installing a new theme, adding a plugin, or upgrading your WordPress version usually causes this problem. Is the site running too slowly or is the server overloaded? Your host's PHP memory_limit is less than what your process requires. This is the main cause of this error. If this occurs, you'll need to increase the host memory limit in order to complete the process.

Switch or Match in PHP

In the world of PHP programming, match and switch statements are both powerful tools for performing value comparisons. While they share some similarities, such as comparing a value against multiple conditions, they also have important differences that set them apart. In this discussion, we'll explore the relationship between match and switch statements, as well as their differences.

PHP Code Simplification: How Array Destructuring Can Help?

Have you ever struggled with writing lengthy code just to extract values from an array in PHP? If so, there is no need to worry anymore. Array destructuring in PHP offers a quick and efficient solution to this problem, allowing you to extract array values in just a few lines of code. By utilizing array destructuring, you can effortlessly extract values from arrays and make your code more readable and structured. But what is array destructuring, exactly?

Understanding Enums in PHP 8.1

In PHP, an enum is a new data type that was introduced in version 8.1. An enum, short for "enumeration," is a set of named constants that represent distinct values that a variable of that enum type can take. Enums are especially useful when you have a set of values that are related and need to be grouped together under a single type. To define an enum in PHP, you use the enum keyword, followed by the name of the enum, and then a list of constant names, each separated by a comma.