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k6 load testing on Kubernetes using the k6 Operator, with Hans Knecht (k6 Office Hours #34)

Nicole van der Hoeven (Developer Advocate) is joined by Hans Knecht, Principal Cloud Engineer at Mission Lane, to talk about Hans's specific use case for k6, and how he does distributed load testing with it for free on a Kubernetes cluster using the k6 Operator.

Supercharge Kubernetes Ingress with Kong

When services are exposed outside a Kubernetes cluster, you need to take care of authentication, observability, auditing, encryption and integrations with other third-party vendors, amongst other things. In this demo, @Viktor Gamov introduces Kong Ingress Controller and how you can use it in your applications that run in a Kong Mesh-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

Solve These Common Kubernetes Challenges Early

Changing the technology an organization works with is a bit like taking up a new sport. Your initial excitement leads you to buy the most expensive equipment you can find, leaving you soon to realize that your new tools have created a steep learning curve. Transitioning out of monolithic applications to microservices is quite similar.

The Next Frontier: Container Orchestration

In part 1 of this series on Kubernetes, we discussed how companies like VMware offer the necessary tools to launch, monitor, create and destroy virtual machines. In this post, we review how – much like virtual machines – containers need to be created, monitored, destroyed and relaunched to account for the health of the physical or virtual machines on which they run.

Leading Kubernetes Management Tools For 2022

Kubernetes is the leading container-orchestration tool that was open-sourced in 2014 by Google and has helped engineers across the globe to significantly lower their cost of cloud computing ever since. Kubernetes also provides a resilient framework for deploying applications. Kubernetes management tools are quickly becoming essential to those that wish to monitor their containers on an ongoing basis, test, export and create intuitive dashboards.

How to Dockerize an Existing Node.js Application

Docker is a software platform that enables packaging an application into containers. These containers represent isolated environments that provide everything necessary to run the application. Dockerizing an application refers to packaging it in a Docker image to run in one or more containers. Dockerizing an application involves specifying everything needed to run the application in a Dockerfile and then using the file to build a specialized Docker image that can be shared to multiple machines.

How Kubernetes Is Modernizing the Microservices Architecture

In this three-part blog series, we examine the critical role Kubernetes plays in shaping the future of infrastructure, including the rise of containers and Kubernetes. The first in the series covers Next-Generation Application Development. The second covers the Next Frontier: Container Orchestration. And the third covers How Kubernetes Gets Work Done.