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Kong Configurations Using Terraform via GitOps Model

As organizations adopt a microservices architecture, API gateway usage has increased. Kong Gateway is one of the promising API gateways in the market. It has both OSS and enterprise support, releases multiple features and is easy to use. Kong Admin API helps administrators configure the system easily, but it’s still error-prone. That’s because the user has to hit many curl calls for creating all the configs. When numerous folks are managing the system, this becomes difficult.

APIOps: End-to-End Automation Throughout the API Lifecycle

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the culture change side of any technology transformation program is the hardest and slowest part to get right. If you cannot efficiently operationalize a technology investment, that investment is wasted. This is no different in the world of APIs and microservices, where every service is designed to support a change to a digital-first culture. APIOps makes this change possible.

From Zero to Hero: A Roadmap for Automating the Dev Lifecycle Across Any Environment with GitOps

Organizations that embrace GitOps are able to develop and automate their end-to-end software development lifecycle by combining the power of Git, CI/CD and Kubernetes. However the path to get there can be rocky: operating in a multi-cloud environment, working with hybrid microservice and monolith APIs, helping teams discover and publish APIs to use, and moving legacy services to Kubernetes pose no shortage of organizational and technical challenges.

Get your GitOps for real-time apps on Apache Kafka & Kubernetes

Infrastructure as code has been an important practice of DevOps for years. Anyone running an Apache Kafka data infrastructure and running on Kubernetes, the chances are you’ve probably nailed defining your infrastructure this way. If you’re running on Kubernetes, you’re likely using operators as part of your CI/CD toolchain to automate your deployments.

GitOps for Kong: Managing Kong Declaratively with decK and GitHub Actions

Kong’s fast, lightweight and scalable API management solution helps improve developer productivity by automating the delivery of API management. One way Kong automates API management is through a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) process by leveraging Kong’s decK (declarative configuration for Kong) and GitHub Actions. Kong’s decK provides a command line interface (CLI) to manage Kong in a declarative way.