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How to Be An Effective Engineering Manager By Investing In The Right Tools

After working with a diverse set of software engineering teams, we at Moesif have gained a unique perspective on what traits enable engineers to take on leadership positions and become outstanding managers vs others who have a harder time rising through the ranks. Gaining an advanced title and responsibility is not an easy task. After all, there are far more software engineers than executives at a company regardless of size. So how do you stand out to land that awesome VP or C-suite role?

Building HIPAA Compliant APIs

Legal disclaimer: Nothing stated herein is legal advice. It is provided for informational purposes only. You should work closely with legal advisors to determine exactly how HIPAA may affect your business. Health care represents 17% of US GDP, around $4 trillion in 2020. COVID has normalized the use of remote medicine and accelerated the dispersion of health care away from doctors’ offices and hospitals, to services being delivered on smartphones and online apps.

VC Perspective on Developer-First Companies

Ep. 8: Tyler Jewell, Managing Director at Dell Technologies Capital Joining us is Tyler Jewell, a Managing Director at Dell Technologies Capital. Before that he was the CEO of API Management platform company WS02. As an investor he’s placed almost $150M in DevOps companies and is a self-confessed geek in dev tools, devops, infrastructure and dev platforms.

How to Show the Business Value of Your APIs with Embedded Metrics

When you’re providing APIs to your customers, you want to ensure they are getting value from them. At the same time, the best APIs are designed to be fully automated without requiring human intervention. This can leave your customers in the dark on whether your API is even being used by the organization and if you’re meeting any SLA obligations in your enterprise contracts.

APIs Over IPAs Podcast Ep 7: Architecting Apps with Original VP Engineering at LoungeBuddy/AmEx

Jesscia Lam was the Chief Architect and VP Engineering at LoungeBuddy, which was acquired by American Express. At LoungeBuddy she designed their APIs, many of which continue to be in use today. As a CTO, architect and engineering lead at multiple companies, Jessica shares her experience on how to build products to be more resilient, why error handling is so important and how to treat internal APIs vs. external APIs.

Podcast on Architectural Best Practices with LoungeBuddy VP Engineering

Ep. 7: Jessica Lam, VP Engineering of LoungeBuddy/AmEx Joining Moesif is Jesscia Lam, currently a technical advisor and angel investor in startups, and the Chief Architect and VP Engineering at LoungeBuddy, which was acquired by American Express. At LoungeBuddy she designed their APIs, many of which continue to be in use today.

How to Track Developer Experience with Docusaurus and Moesif API Analytic

If your product is an API, your customers are typically developers. While many developers aren’t fond of writing documentation for their own applications, they certainly appreciate well written docs for APIs they use. Well written docs can help developers ship their integrations and apps faster instead of getting buried in integration issues and errors.

An Email Marketing Campaign that Drives API Integration

One of the most effective marketing strategies is to send emails based on the behavior of the recipient. By triggering on how your customers interact with your product, you’re able to share content that’s actually aligned with what they’re doing and thus more likely to resonate. By using automated email workflows it’s possible to share über-relevant content at scale with large cohorts of customers.