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How to Scale Ruby on Rails Applications

Today we will dive into some strategies you can use to scale Ruby on Rails applications to a huge user base. One obvious way of scaling applications is to throw more money at them. And it works amazingly well — add a few more servers, upgrade your database server, and voila, a lot of the performance issues just go poof! But it is often also possible to scale applications without adding more servers. That's what we will discuss today. Let's get going!

How to Handle an ActionController:: RoutingError in Ruby on Rails

The ActionController::RoutingError is the most common error faced when working on a Ruby on Rails project - it’s equivalent to the classic 404 error in web applications. The ActionController::RoutingError indicates that there isn't a route in the application for the URL entered by the user in the browser.

Ruby on Rails: 10 Trending Design Patterns

Developers can develop agile applications using these conventions and write less code. Moreover, Ruby on Rails developers' communities can be enhanced in terms of maintainability and understandability. Furthermore, the developers use the Rails conventions and sensitive defaults in their web applications, making them more scalable. Among them are email management, object-database mappings, file structures, code generation, element naming and organization, etc.

Build a Table Editor with Trix and Turbo Frames in Rails

In this post, we will implement a basic ActionText table editor for your Rails application. We'll learn how: This article draws inspiration from the excellent 'Adding Tables to ActionText With Stimulus.js' blog post from 2020. That was written before the advent of Turbo though, which we can expect to simplify matters quite a bit. Let's get going!

Security Best Practices for Your Rails Application

Alongside performance and usability, you should always focus on security when creating any web application. Keep in mind that hacking techniques are constantly evolving, just as fast as technology is. So you must know how to secure your users and their data. This article will show you how to create a secure Rails application. The framework is known to be secure by default, but the default configuration is not enough to let you sleep well at night.

JIT Compilers for Ruby and Rails: An Overview

A program is compiled at runtime using a different method from pre-execution compilation. This process is known as just-in-time compilation or dynamic translation. In this post, we'll look at why JIT compilation can be a good choice for your Ruby on Rails app, before looking at some of the options available (YJIT, MJIT, and TenderJIT) and how to install them. But first: how does JIT compilation work?