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Exceptional Error Reporting for Rails Exceptions

If you want insights into your application's exceptions but don't have time to invest in adding verbose logic to your code, we've got some exceptional news: The AppSignal for Ruby gem 3.4.1 now supports the Rails error reporter! With this change, you can simplify your AppSignal integration, streamline your code and begin reporting errors on the fly without raising an error page and interrupting your user's flow.

Setting Up Business Logic with DCI in Rails

In our last post, we examined the most common ways to organize business logic in Ruby on Rails. They all have advantages and drawbacks, and essentially, most do not leverage the full power of Object Oriented Programming in Ruby. This time, we will introduce another alternative that more naturally fits the mental models we apply when reasoning about the behavior of our applications: DCI.

Organize Business Logic in Your Ruby on Rails Application

With its strong emphasis on convention over configuration, Ruby on Rails has counteracted many architectural considerations that caused bikeshedding when building web applications. Still, one area that has continuously piqued developers' interest is how to handle business logic, i.e., code that epitomizes "what an app does." Another way to phrase this question is: Where do we put all the transactional code?

Integrate and Troubleshoot Inbound Emails with Action Mailbox in Rails

If you’ve ever looked at the Request for Comments (RFCs) around sending and receiving emails, you’ll see the technical complications involved when hitting send in your email inbox. Thankfully, many existing tools provide the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service for us developers — from a Postfix server you manage to a fully scalable sending service such as SendGrid, Amazon SES, or Postmark.

Audit Logging in Ruby and Rails

An audit log is a documented record of events and activity within an information technology system. Audit logging is critical for application owners and administrators to track activity within their systems. In this post, we'll first dive into what auditing entails and what to consider when audit logging. We'll then explore some options for implementing audit logs, including PaperTrail, Audited, AuditLog, AppSignal, and a custom implementation. Let's get started!

Building a RESTful API with Rails

When it comes to building an API, Rails is an extremely popular programming language choice to build powerful RESTful APIs. In this tutorial, we will build a simple REST API using Rails. The Rails REST API endpoint will allow users to retrieve a credit score rating. Of course, we won’t be linking up to any backend systems to pull a credit score but will instead use a random number generator to generate the score and return it to the user.

Making the Most of Your Logs in Rails

Most people only realize the necessity of logs when they need them the most. But when your application breaks, user complaints start flooding in, and you have no clue how to fix it, it's too late to add some log messages that might have helped. Good logs pay for themselves tenfold. They make it a breeze to diagnose those tricky bugs, and if you do logs right, they can alert you of issues even before your users notice. But what does it mean to 'do logging right'?

Storing Ephemeral UI State with Kredis for Rails

Kredis (Keyed Redis) is a recent addition to the Rails developer's toolkit. It strives to simplify storing and accessing structured data on Redis. In this first part of a two-part series, we'll start by going into how Kredis works. We'll then run through an example use case for storing ephemeral UI state using a bespoke Redis key. Let's get started!