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A Guide to Security in Software Development

With the ever increasing frequency of cyberattacks, software security is not only essential but necessary. The most effective and efficient practice for safeguarding software is with secure coding standards. When used effectively, these standards prevent, detect, and eliminate errors that could compromise software security. Even though secure coding standards are not overly complex, it can nevertheless be a challenge knowing when and how to use the right standard. For that reason, it is important that you learn about the key secure coding standards and how to comply with them.

Compliance, Quality, and Efficiency for GDPR

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requires businesses to protect the personal data they hold for any citizens of Europe. It pertains to those organizations that operate within the EU (European Union), and also those that offer goods and services to individuals in the EU. Proving GDPR compliance is all about documentation. It can be difficult, however, to cover your bases reliably and efficiently. Especially when regulations change.

Why Is Traceability Important?

Full traceability is critical for many organizations, particularly those who need to meet regulatory compliance in their industry or minimize risk. In this blog, we discuss the importance of traceability by examining four real examples of where a lack of traceability caused issues for organizations, in some cases proving very costly. Related blog >> What Is Traceability?

Virtual Production Setup: The Entertainment Technology Center Case Study

When the world went remote, studios needed to limit the number of people on set. To support the shift to remote work, teams needed to learn and implement new software tools. Game technology — like Unreal Engine and Unity — were powerful enough to meet the demands for this rapidly changing industry. But what else does a virtual production setup need?

Optimizing the Docker Container Image for C++ Microservices

In previous posts, we covered the basics of a C++ Microservices deployment including: With those basics in place, this blog will focus on optimization of the container in a C++ Microservices deployment. We'll examine how to structure the Dockerfile and the resulting Docker image to reduce the number of layers and disk space used.

Top 5 Helix ALM FAQs

When it comes to learning a new software, there are often more questions than answers. Getting started, setting up your environment, and learning how and when to use the tool are just the beginning. To top it off, many of us now work from home with limited access to our teams. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Listed below are the top questions that have come through our customer care center over the last few months, as well as the solutions. Don’t see your question?

The Easy Ways to Migrate Jira to an on-Prem Solution

By now you've heard that Atlassian is deprecating its server products. For Jira users who cannot or do not want to move to the Cloud, this is troubling news. Data Center is an option, but it's quite an expensive alternative if you do not need its minimum 500 users. Then again, it's quite disruptive to migrate to a new tool, isn't it? No one wants to interrupt their workflow by changing tools — especially one that is so central to daily operations. But it does not have to be so scary.