Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

White Paper

Navigating Technology Adoption in the Enterprise

While startups rarely enjoy the resources of a large organization, they usually enjoy a comparative "easy-mode" when it comes to technology adoption. Once a company has reached a certain size, or has existed for long enough, technical debt builds up, organizational ossification sets in, and bureaucratic creep becomes pervasive. This white paper covers our findings from over the last four years of engaging deeply with our enterprise customers: advising, training, and supporting them with our products and expertise through their Node.js adoption journeys.

Running Your Node.js Application with systemd

You've written the next great application, in Node-and you're ready to unleash it upon the world! Which means you can no longer run it on your laptop, you're going to actually have to put it up on some server somewhere and connect it to the real Internet. There has probably never been a better or easier time to learn basic Linux system administration. This tutorial will take you through the steps to deploy and run your application on a Linux server using systemd, which is the replacement to init and upstart in older Linux systems.

Digital Transformation with the Node.js DevOps Stack

PayPal, Netflix, and Walmart show the way to achieve rapid digital transformation of legacy systems. Modernizing systems and processes has become a top priority for businesses across all verticals. Organizations are looking for the fastest and most effective route to modernization; Node.js is emerging as the de facto choice for companies looking to build the apps and other infrastructure needed to make such a move.

A Cloud Data Platform for Data Science

Data scientists require massive amounts of data to build and train machine learning models. In the age of AI, fast and accurate access to data has become an important competitive differentiator, yet data management is commonly recognized as the most time-consuming aspect of the process. This white paper will help you identify the data requirements driving today's data science and ML initiatives and explain how you can satisfy those requirements with a cloud data platform that supports industry-leading tools.

Testing Better with Data Insights

In this white paper, we will explore how analytics and insights can bring a level of control and visibility by presenting test data in a meaningful and actionable way. We are in the age of continuous testing. Using automation at scale, teams are testing more often throughout the software development lifecycle. But as testing volume grows, how do you know its impact on your ability to deliver quality software faster? Do you know where automation adds value, and where it might be creating risk? How do you best optimize your testing efforts to ensure the maximum return on investment?