Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


How Snowflake Accelerates Business Growth for Providers of Data, Apps and AI Products

Let’s say you are building a house that you plan to put up for sale. You focus on an amazing design, beautiful entry, large windows for plenty of sunlight — things that will create a delightful experience for your future buyer. At the same time, the house also needs less glamorous but vitally important infrastructure, like plumbing, running water, electricity, heating, cooling and so on.

How Countly's All-In-One Product Analytics Approach Can Benefit Your Business

Being inundated with tools and platforms to track, analyze, and optimize your products can be extremely overwhelming, and most of the time, you just get lost in the process of managing all the tools, without really achieving anything actionable. While having access to specialized tools can be beneficial, managing multiple analytics solutions can become counterproductive.

Deploy and Manage Cloud Apps from VS Code with the Choreo Extension

The Choreo extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) enables developers to manage cloud applications without leaving VS Code. This seamless integration enhances the overall development workflow, offering everything from component creation to monitoring. With the release of version 2.0, the Choreo extension is now better aligned with typical development workflows and offers an experience that's more familiar to users of the Choreo console.

Fintech Software Development: How Technology Advancements Are Reshaping BFSI

The BFSI sector is undergoing a transformative evolution, leveraging technologies like Generative AI for personalized fintech software development. Dynamic credit scoring, advanced robo-advisors, and intelligent automation are streamlining fintech services for better customer experience. Blockchain, too, is encouraging cross-border payments and trade finance through DeFi. Embedded solutions create seamless user experiences, and the sector embraces the virtual realm with IoT and virtual storefronts.

How Generative AI is Transforming Application Modernization

Per the trends suggested by Red Hat, modernization is among the topmost funding priorities (45%) for global businesses - all thanks to the promises of better digital experience, cloud-native, and quicker time to market. Generative AI can fulfill these promises by automating legacy system updates, enhancing user interfaces, facilitating cloud migration, and expediting software delivery.

Special Episode: Data lakes drive next-gen AI infrastructure | MotherDuck

Get ready to think differently about modern data architectures as we sit down with George Fraser, CEO of Fivetran, and Jordan Tagani, CEO of MotherDuck, to explore recent evolutions of data management. They discuss MotherDuck’s innovative new connector built with Fivetran’s Partner SDK, reveal why local data processing on modern laptops is disrupting cloud-based processing and share insights on deploying AI workloads on data lakes.