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5 Unit Testing Tools You Must Know In 2024

Unit testing is one of the most important areas to ensure code coverage and basic testing for the applications or software in today’s world. With so many different unit testing tools available, Choosing the right tool can be challenging. Don’t Worry, In this Article we’ll explore 5 Unit Testing Tool you must know in 2024! So without delaying further let’s start!

Demystifying Cron Job Testing

Before we dive into the world of testing Cron jobs, let’s first know what they are. In the computer’s world, a Cron job is a time-based job scheduler that automates the execution of tasks at predetermined intervals on Unix-like operating systems. These tasks can range from routine maintenance scripts to fetching data from APIs or performing backups.

EBPF, Service Mesh And Sidecar

The operating system is like the boss of your computer, handling security, networking, and keeping an eye on what’s happening. But tweaking or improving the core part of the operating system, called the kernel, is a bit tricky because it’s mainly focused on keeping things stable and secure. Most cool new stuff usually happens outside the core system, in what we call the user space. That’s where people add extra features or functions.

Chat with Devs | Episode 1 - Kernel and Network Tracing with eBPF |

eBPF is the kernel technology for a new generation of networking, observability and security tools. This will give attendees knowledge of how eBPF can be used to trace every action taken on a running system and know what is happening inside the kernel. The main advantage of using eBPF for tracing is that you can access almost any piece of information from the Linux kernel and your applications.

Mongodb In Mock Mode: Acting The Server Part

In the contemporary software development landscape, unit tests have become paramount for ensuring software quality. A prevalent practice during these tests involves mocking outgoing calls to decouple the code under test from external dependencies. Imagine, for a moment, a scenario where instead of writing mocks with pre-defined behaviours, you duplicate the behaviour of a real-world server.

Capture Grpc Traffic Going Out From A Server

How does gRPC work? A quick Google search would tell you that it uses HTTP/2.0 under the hood, but that’s about it. Most available guides talk about gRPC internals by assuming that you are already deeply familiar with HTTP/2.0, and the only proper documentation for HTTP/2 is the official RFC document, which doesn’t contain implementation details, and talks in abstract terms.

Hacktoberfest #1 - Recognize, Celebrate and Connect open source Developers.

If you’ve ever wanted to contribute to open source, now is your chance! You can contribute to several Keploy projects participating this year’s Hacktoberfest. Anyone around the globe who desires to help drive the growth of open source and make positive contributions to an ever-growing community. All backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to participate. Vaunt builds vibrant open-source communities by rewarding developers for contributions, celebrating achievements, and encouraging connections.

Integration Vs E2e Testing: What Worked For Me As A Charm

When it comes to testing software applications, various testing techniques can be employed. Three common testing methods are unit testing, integration testing and end-to-end testing. All these different kinds of testing overlap, so you just can’t implement one or two forms of testing and you will be good. Like if you are in the initial stage of development you can write a few unit tests which a developer can run once he makes changes to a function.