#20 Kafka Live Stream | GitOps for Kafka: Connectors as-code

#20 Kafka Live Stream | GitOps for Kafka: Connectors as-code

May 3, 2024

As a developer, you want to deploy a new Kafka connector without bothering the platform admin. How?

Here you'll learn how to integrate Kafka connectors with your CI/CD toolchain, and manage your connectors as-code with Lenses.

Register to join Kafka Live Stream - your most valuable weekly Kafka call: https://celonis.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8sa_B5O6SSSKHPWft11O1w#/registration

You can try out the Lenses CLI for free by running the Lenses Localhost Kafka Docker Box: https://lenses.io/apache-kafka-docker/