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The Future is Here: How AI is Solving UI Test Automation Problems Today

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't just a buzzword - businesses across all industries are leveraging the technology today to solve a wide range of problems. Even test automation tools are benefiting from AI, from AI-powered visual recognition and intelligent test recommendations, to risk profiling and bug hunting. At every step in the QA cycle, we see AI infusing itself to accelerate test creation, maintenance and execution.

The Hole Story and Bias in AI

AI and its enabled tools continue to enthrall business with its promise of efficiency and innovation. But, one of the things AI is also clearly enabling is the bias. We’ve all read the news and heard the scaremongering stories around potential flaws and biases in Artificial Intelligence systems. I believe for this technology to reach its full potential, addressing bias will need to be a top priority.

Understanding what Machine Learning is and what it can do

As machine learning continues to address common use cases it is crucial to consider what it takes to operationalize your data into a practical, maintainable solution. This is particularly important in order to predict customer behavior more accurately, make more relevant product recommendations, personalize a treatment, or improve the accuracy of research.

The Impact of AI on the Data Analyst

The introduction of AI, automation and data storytelling to the world of analytics has not only had an immediate impact on the end users of analytics but also the people that work in the field. While many analysts may fear they will be replaced by automation and AI, CEO of Yellowfin, Glen Rabie, believes that the role of the data analyst will increase in significance to the business and breadth of skills required.

Part 4: How machine learning, AI and automation could break the BI adoption barrier

In the last three parts of this four-part series, we have looked at: research on the state of analytics today and the lack of BI adoption; the history of BI and how we have arrived at the augmented era; and the four main blockers to BI adoption that is stunting the growth your business data culture. Today, let's take a look at how AI and machine learning (ML) can close that adoption gap.

Part 3: How machine learning, AI and automation could break the BI adoption barrier

In the first blog post of the series, we saw the dire state of analytics adoption. This problem feeds into the low usage and governance of data across organizations. Then, in the second post, we saw how the evolution of analytics has brought us to a prime position for augmented analytics. But will this new wave of augmented analytics break through the barriers to BI adoption?