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API Management vs. API Gateways: What's the Difference?

Businesses of all sizes are increasingly relying on APIs to create competitive advantages, but many don't know the difference between API Management and API Gateways. This article will discuss what each solution does, how they can be used in conjunction with one another, and why it's essential to use both services when building an API strategy.

Kong Builders Livestream - Local Kubernetes development with Kong, minikube, and kind

Kong Builders is the livestream series that takes our developer-focused toolsets and puts them on display in the best venue possible – building applications and connecting workloads. Join Viktor Gamov as he takes a hands-on, practitioner-focused approach to exploring Kong’s tools.

Downstream and Upstream Mutual TLS With an API Gateway

Like many developers and operations professionals, you may have had complicated experiences with security and certificates (encryption of the connection and authentication). Maybe so much so that you try to avoid working on them whenever possible. If you’re looking for a simpler way, Kong may be the answer. As with everything with Kong, the idea is to make things as lightweight as possible, including the complexity of setting up and maintaining certificate-based security.

What Makes a Good API | 6 Aspects That Make it Fit for Integration in 2022

There is hardly an IT application nowadays that doesn’t provide an API, which specifies how this application should interact with the rest of the IT ecosystem. So, it’s no wonder that IT staff even at large enterprises increasingly make use of APIs when they need to integrate multiple systems with each other, commonly new SaaS applications with the existing IT estate. At the same time, there are APIs and then there are APIs.

A Three-Step Guide to Insurance Transformation

The world of insurance has been one most heavily influenced by APIs and the API-first operating model. Today, insurance agencies can benefit from learning how the API-first operating model can enable your IT team to unlock data from legacy systems and more. Technology has left its imprint on the insurance industry, and now tools like APIs have created even more opportunities for success. With so much room for success, it is important to realizes the need for insurance transformation.