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Dear Load Balancers,

When I started my journey into Kubernetes, you were always there for me when I needed to expose a service externally. We started small with just exposing one service, and you were dependable and easy to set up. But things have changed. My application has grown, and now the cluster has 10 services that need to be exposed externally. This has made communication difficult. I wonder what will happen when we have 50 services?

7 Approaches to Legacy System Modernization

Legacy system modernization is a hot topic in business strategy right now. As the need increases for new technologies and intelligent business solutions, so too does the need for legacy system modernization. That means upgrading legacy systems, improving existing software, and otherwise bolstering operational efficiency. This article will provide a quick recap of the basics and explain how they fit into a number of legacy system modernization strategies.

How to Secure REST APIs: API Keys Vs. OAuth

REST, a.k.a. Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style commonly used in software development. Applications built via REST-style development tend to be excellent examples of distributed hypermedia applications. However, they don’t often have excellent innate security options. That’s where API keys and OAuth tokens come in. As Dr.

Everything You Need to Know About Identity and Access Management (IAM)

We’re reviewing everything you need to know about identity and Access Management (IAM). Good data governance is the key to success in any industry and you can’t have good data governance without identity and access management software. Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions, like the software that DreamFactory provides, is essentially a suite of capabilities that enables systems administrators to protect sensitive data. Of course, there’s a lot more to it than that.

Access Control Lists with Kong

Access control is an important function in our daily lives. Access control is provided in many different realms. For example, a physical door, a software program, or an API. Access control simply means that you are controlling who/what can access something. We’re going to focus this discussion around access control for an API. Businesses benefit from providing APIs to their internal (and external) developers.

How To Create An SFTP REST API

SFTP, or Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a popular solution for transferring files from one device to another. Its simplicity belies its popularity, with the vast majority of actions involving either sending (uploading) or receiving (downloading) files. Files are typically transferred between a FTP client such as FileZilla and an FTP server, although in many cases programmatic solutions involve transferring files from one server to another.

The 'new normal' of data management

There are few parts of business that the Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t impacted, in some cases creating pervasive and long-lasting change. While no one knows exactly how our lives will emerge from this upheaval, for businesses it’s clear that long term survival depends on agility. Entire workforces have been mobilised in a matter of weeks. Employees – even the Luddites among us – have had to adopt new ways of working and many are in no rush to return to the traditional office!