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September 2024

Heuristics in Software Testing: Hunt Bugs With Style

Heuristics is the key to turn you into the Turkish Olympic guy. It is something that comes with experience. At a certain point, experts all develop that “sense” in their field of work. Repeated exposure to hundreds of problems helps them recognize patterns that beginners don’t easily see. Heuristics is not always foolproof, but it's good for immediate problem-solving.

Katalon Delivers End-to-End Test Automation Solution on AWS Marketplace

“We build our solution on top of an AWS stack. It frees us up to think about creating innovative solutions and not worry about infrastructure”- Vu Lam, CEO of Katalon In order to help enterprise customers release faster and deliver on time, Katalon has built an integration where automation scripts can be stored in AWS CodeCommit and an AWS CodePipeline project can execute them using the integration.

Katalon Studio vs. Katalon Studio Enterprise: Full Comparison

“May Katalon be with you whenever you run your tests.” So you’ve heard of Katalon and decided to give it a try. We’re here to help you get the best experience possible out of it. In a way, Katalon serves as your entire software testing life cycle unified in one workspace. You get to do test planning, scripting (from no-code, low-code, to full-code mode), test management, test execution, and finally test reporting.

Automated Regression Testing: A Definitive Guide

Imagine this: You’ve just rolled out a small update to your application, but suddenly a core feature stops working. Sound familiar? That’s where automated regression testing comes to the rescue. It's like having a diligent, tireless assistant that constantly checks your software for unintended side effects every time you make a change. Let’s dive into how automated regression testing can transform your software development process, saving you time, money, and sleepless nights.

Katalon Product Roundup - Sep 2024: TrueTest, Testops, and Katalon Studio 10 (Beta)

Today, we are excited to unveil a suite of innovations that will transform your testing processes and elevate the quality of your software. From harnessing the power of AI for automated regression testing with TrueTest to expanding the capabilities of TestOps and redefining test automation with Katalon Studio 10, these new releases are designed to help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of software testing. Let's dive in!

Enhancing API Testing with OpenAPI Schema Compliance in Katalon Studio

In the landscape of API development, strict adherence to established standards is crucial for sustaining consistency, ensuring reliability, and enabling seamless compatibility across evolving environments. With the release of Katalon Studio 9.7, we are excited to introduce OpenAPI schema compliance validation. This significant enhancement extends our schema compliance testing capabilities to include OpenAPI and Swagger specifications.

Chaos Testing: A Comprehensive Guide

Imagine you’re running a complex, distributed system—everything seems smooth until, without warning, a sudden failure brings the entire operation to a halt. What caused it? How can you prevent it from happening again? This is where chaos testing comes in. Chaos testing, or chaos engineering, is a proactive approach to discovering system weaknesses before they turn into catastrophic failures.

The Pesticide Paradox in Software Testing

There’s an interesting term in agriculture called the pesticide paradox. When a pesky insect infestation is threatening a farmer’s hard-earned harvest, he sprays the crop with pesticide, killing (most of) them in an instant. What a glorious win of man against nature! But there’s a catch: the tiny percentage of those insects which fortunately survive will develop a natural resistance to the pesticide.

Cognitive Biases in Software Testing: A Guide To Overcome

We are humans, and humans sometimes make mistakes. We make hundreds of decisions on a daily basis, and sometimes those decisions are not entirely based on rationality, but on cognitive biases. Anyone, including testers, can be subjected to the trappings of cognitive biases. Those biases are the result of years of evolutionary adaptation, and they allow us to make quick judgements (we all want to survive). However, they usually aren't the best judgements.

Assert in Python: A Very Cool Guide

Have you ever wanted to make sure your assumptions about your code are correct? That’s where assertions come in. In programming, an assertion is a simple way to verify that certain conditions hold true in your code, helping you catch potential errors early before they snowball into bigger problems. Imagine building a house—you wouldn’t start putting up walls without first making sure the foundation is solid, right? Assertions work the same way in your code.

Automated Software Testing: A Definitive Guide

Imagine a world where your software tests run themselves, freeing you from the tedious grind of repetitive tasks, and catching bugs long before they wreak havoc on your code. This is the magic of automated software testing. Deadlines to ship software are tighter than ever. Users expect flawless experiences, and relying solely on manual testing just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Katalon Achieves SOC 2 Type II Certification for 2024

We are proud to share that Katalon has successfully completed its SOC 2 Type II audit, conducted by Sensiba LLC. We received a clean audit opinion, with no exceptions noted in the review of our controls over the specified period. This achievement confirms that our internal controls are functioning effectively, further strengthening the confidence our customers have in us and enabling them to operate securely.

Web Application Development: The Definitive Guide [2024 Updated]

Web applications have become the backbone of businesses—from eCommerce platforms like Amazon to social networks like Facebook. Unlike traditional websites that simply present information, web apps let users interact, make transactions, or even collaborate in real-time. Whether you're a small startup looking to streamline operations or a large enterprise needing scalable solutions, web apps make it all happen. But how do you go from idea to execution?