Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2022

Use Next.js and Vercel to build a link-sharing app using serverless WebSockets

In this post, we’ll show you how to use Next.js and Vercel to build a live link-sharing app. Users can share URLs of articles that they think might interest others, and anyone viewing the page will see the shared article appear instantly, together with a preview image and article summary: Along the way, in this article, you will learn how to: You can view the solution code on Github, or play with a live example.

Serverless WebSockets with Azure Functions

This video complements the blog post and demo about Serverless WebSockets with Azure Functions. I'll explain how data is distributed in realtime using WebSockets in a serverless application running in Azure. The context is a multiplayer Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (ADnD) style game that is turn-based with realtime state updates. About Ably