Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2024

Optimizing global message transit latency: a journey through TCP configuration

At Ably, we provide a realtime messaging service that aims to deliver messages between globally-distributed participants with the lowest latency possible. When powering apps that enable realtime collaboration, or require time-critical updates, low and consistent latency is essential.

Measuring and minimizing latency in a Kafka Sink Connector

Kafka is often chosen as a solution for realtime data streaming because it is highly scalable, fault-tolerant, and can operate with low latency even under high load. This has made it popular for companies in the fan engagement space, and where transactional data is used (e.g. betting) as low latency ensures that actions and responses happen quickly, maintaining the fluidity and immediacy of the experience.

Say hello to Ably Chat: A new product optimized for large-scale chat interactions

We’ve had the privilege of working with a wide range of customers including global retailers, CRM vendors, sports franchises, creators, entertainers, and broadcasters - from HubSpot and SportsBet, to 17Live and InvitePeople - providing them with reliable, scalable and low-latency chat. Ably Pub/Sub is already a fantastic fit for a variety of chat use cases.

Introducing our new status page

We are thrilled to announce that we are transitioning from our legacy status page to a brand-new, upgraded one. This change is part of our ongoing commitment to provide Ably users with the best possible developer experience. Our legacy status page has served us well, but technology and customer needs are constantly evolving. We recognized the need for a platform that can keep pace with these changes and offer an improved experience.