With summer just around the corner, things are really heating up. But you’re in luck because this month BigQuery is supplying a cooler full of ice cold refreshments with this release of user-friendly SQL capabilities. We are pleased to announce three categories of BigQuery user-friendly SQL launches: Powerful Analytics Features, Flexible Schema Handling, and New Geospatial Tools.
With billions of industrial IoT (IIOT) devices in place, generating massive volumes of data from “the edge,” the potential for proof of concept success for use cases in the factory can be paralyzing. While the value of this digital revolution, aka Industry 4.0, is clear, realizing the full promise has been slow. Research and real-life experience from Accenture shows that many manufacturers get stuck early on or can’t get beyond proof-of-concept pilots to scale.
The move into any new technology requires planning and coordinated effort to ensure a successful transition. This blog will describe the four paths to move from a legacy platform such as Cloudera CDH or HDP into CDP Public Cloud or CDP Private Cloud. The four paths are In-place Upgrade, Side-car Migration, Rolling Side-car Migration, and Migrate to Public Cloud.
Today, May 21st marks ThoughtSpot’s nine year anniversary as a company. We’ve come a long way from exchanging ideas at Starbucks and working from an office set-up inside LightSpeed Ventures for the initial few weeks. Today, we offer customers the most innovative cloud analytics platform in the world and help thousands of users ask and answer questions with data.