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Agile Insights During COVID-19 with ThoughtSpot, Snowflake, and Starschema

The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing every business to see the world differently. From examining business continuity plans, modernizing workforce plans, or building supply chain resiliency, no facet of business has gone untouched. As organizations combat the economic fallout now and in the coming years, agility has never been more important. The key to remaining agile is a better use of data.

How To Get Your DataOps Initiative Prioritized And Paid For

You see the clear and immediate value in DataOps, but your opinion is not the only one that matters. You need  your team, your colleagues and your business partners to see that value too – or the project  won’t move ahead. In this  session, you'll learn the tips and techniques for building an inclusive story.  We'll discuss techniques of Design Thinking you can use to translate very technical concepts into business value and outcomes. You will  learn  practical ways to communicate the value in your DataOps initiative and ensure that it delivers that value when you  Implement it.

Apache Hadoop YARN in CDP Data Center 7.1: What's new and how to upgrade

This blogpost will cover how customers can migrate clusters and workloads to the new Cloudera Data Platform – Data Center 7.1 (CDP DC 7.1 onwards) plus highlights of this new release. CDP DC 7.1 is the on-premises version of Cloudera Data Platform.

5 Challenges of Simplifying DevOps for Data Apps

The benefits of building a DevOps culture for software companies are clear. DevOps practices integrate once-siloed teams across the software development lifecycle, from Dev to QA to Ops, resulting in both faster innovation and improved product quality. As a result, most software development teams have deployed tools to enable DevOps practices across their workflow.

Make Your Data Fabrics Work Better

To gain the full benefits of the DataOps strategy, your data lakes must change. The traditional concept of bringing all data to one place, whether on-premises or in the cloud, raises questions of timing, scale, organization and budget. The answer? Data fabric. It replaces traditional data lake organization concepts with a more flexible and economical architecture. In this session, we'll define what a data fabric is, show you how you can begin organizing around the concept, and discuss how to align it to your business objectives.

A Cloud Data Platform for Data Science

Data scientists require massive amounts of data to build and train machine learning models. In the age of AI, fast and accurate access to data has become an important competitive differentiator, yet data management is commonly recognized as the most time-consuming aspect of the process. This white paper will help you identify the data requirements driving today's data science and ML initiatives and explain how you can satisfy those requirements with a cloud data platform that supports industry-leading tools.

5 Strategies to Improve Secure Data Collaboration

Many organizations struggle to share data internally across departments and externally with partners, vendors, suppliers, and customers. They use manual methods such as emailing spreadsheets or executing batch processes that require extracting, copying, moving, and reloading data. These methods are notorious for their lack of stability and security, and most importantly, for the fact that by the time data is ready for consumption, it has often become stale.

Overview of the Operational Database performance in CDP

This article gives you an overview of Cloudera’s Operational Database (OpDB) performance optimization techniques. Cloudera’s Operational Database can support high-speed transactions of up to 185K/second per table and a high of 440K/second per table. On average, the recorded transaction speed is about 100K-300K/second per node. This article provides you an overview of how you can optimize your OpDB deployment in either Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Public Cloud or Data Center.

How to run queries periodically in Apache Hive

In the lifecycle of a data warehouse in production, there are a variety of tasks that need to be executed on a recurring basis. To name a few concrete examples, scheduled tasks can be related to data ingestion (inserting data from a stream into a transactional table every 10 minutes), query performance (refreshing a materialized view used for BI reporting every hour), or warehouse maintenance (executing replication from one cluster to another on a daily basis).

Ask questions to BigQuery and get instant answers through Data QnA

Today, we’re announcing Data QnA, a natural language interface for analytics on BigQuery data, now in private alpha. Data QnA helps enable your business users to get answers to their analytical queries through natural language questions, without burdening business intelligence (BI) teams. This means that a business user like a sales manager can simply ask a question on their company’s dataset, and get results back that same way.