It’s now more than 30 years since the first website was born. Its purpose, you ask? To provide information about the World Wide Web, of course. In the three decades that have elapsed since then, we’ve created around 6 billion more websites. Some, like that inaugural site about the internet itself, are devoted to providing information. Others allow us to buy and sell products. Others give us access to photos, videos and other forms of media.
2020 has been a remarkable year, full of change and reinvention. Yet one thing remains the same, NodeSource Node.js binary downloads keep increasing month by month, providing millions of users around the world with the power of Node.js. Node By Numbers 2020 gives us important insights into the usage of Node.js across Linux environments and the Node.js community in general.
If you have been keeping track, I recently started a series of blog posts about the state of developer tooling in the Kubernetes ecosystem in 2021. The first blog post covered the topic of defining Kubernetes applications, i.e., how you go about declaring, packaging, customizing, and deploying them. You can check out that up to date comparison between category leaders Helm and Kustomize right here.
As all developers know, when building software things don’t always go as planned. In fact, most of the time they don’t. With today’s modern distributed architectures it’s more important than ever to have the proper tools in your toolbelt. This allows us to automate as much of the software delivery lifecycle as possible and then be able to immediately triage issues when they arise.
What are the most important database performance metrics, and how do you monitor them? This is a question many IT professionals would like the answer to. We can collect and use a wide range of database metrics to analyze database and server resource consumption, not to mention overall usage. You are probably wondering why this is essential for business, so let’s explore this next.
It’s a long tradition at Bitrise that we compile the biggest learnings from the previous year in our annual State of App Development blog post. your builds ran for 5,232,196 hours. That is also roughly the amount of time that has passed since the 12th birthday of Joan of Arc.
Databases are everywhere these days, every application uses databases to store, organize and retrieve data. It has become more efficient than paper storage since it does not require more space and can also be easily accessed by multiple users at a time. There is an increase in demand for processing vast collections of data and this has become the most important reason for several companies to use databases.
Embedded World continues to be the largest embedded conference and exhibition globally. We are delighted that we are invited again to present at this forum. This year we will be jointly presenting with Synopsys, a leading driver in the automotive EDA and software space. We are looking forward to offer insights from Dr Dennis Oka, Principal Automotive Security Strategist at Synopsys, together with Dr Ralf Huuck, CEO of Logilica.