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[Step-by-step] Using Talend for cloud-to-cloud deployments and faster analytics in Snowflake

For the past two years, Snowflake and Talend have joined forces developing deep integration capabilities and high-performance connectors so that companies can easily move legacy on-premises data to a built-for-the-cloud data warehouse. Snowflake, which runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS), is a modern data-warehouse-as-a-service built from the ground up for the cloud, for all an enterprise’s data, and all their users.

The top 5 analysts in the BI space

Out of the hundreds of BI analysts I’ve interacted with over the years, there are five that stand out as exceptional. To me, they stand out as the big-picture thinkers who have a clear passion for the BI space. Rather than just thinking mechanically about vendors, they’re focused on the broader role and evolution of data analytics and BI as a whole. This is my list of the top five data analysts to follow.

How to containerize your integration jobs with one click with Talend and Docker

Talend Data Integration is an enterprise data integration platform that provides visual design while generating simple Java. This lightweight, modular design approach is a great fit for containers. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through how to containerize your Talend job with a single click. All of the code examples in this post can be found on our Talend Job2Docker Git repository. The git readme also includes step-by-step instructions.

Updates from Bugfender Q2/2018

We’re really happy to announce that Bugfender 2.0 went live in last quarter – a long awaited release that brings many feature requests from our users. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your feedback. It’s truly invaluable and helps us to improve Bugfender every day. As some of you may be aware, the service experienced some occasional down time during June.