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Seven Ways to Gain Data Clarity in An Uncertain Climate

It’s been a rollercoaster ride for everyone over the last few years, with particular pressure on Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) to support CEOs steering their organizations through things none of us expected to experience in our lifetime. Unfortunately, with the financial markets going into turmoil over the last few months and consumers of all shapes and sizes starting to cut back on spending, the uncertainty isn’t going to stop anytime soon.

Storing Ephemeral UI State with Kredis for Rails

Kredis (Keyed Redis) is a recent addition to the Rails developer's toolkit. It strives to simplify storing and accessing structured data on Redis. In this first part of a two-part series, we'll start by going into how Kredis works. We'll then run through an example use case for storing ephemeral UI state using a bespoke Redis key. Let's get started!

A Simple Guide to using Firefox Driver for Selenium to Run your Tests

A Firefox Driver for Selenium is a web driver for the Firefox browser that allows you to programmatically interact with a web page in a Firefox browser using Selenium. It helps you automate various actions as if you were interacting with the website manually. This can be useful for tasks such as web scraping, automated testing, and automating repetitive tasks on a website.

Python Environment Variables

As a modern application, yours always deals with credentials, secrets, and configurations to connect to other services like an authentication service, database, cloud services, microservices, etc. Keeping your username, password, and other login information in the source code of your application is not a good idea because they could be exposed if you share or publish the programme. Before sharing the code, you must delete or remark the credentials, which requires more work from you.

Implementing and Using UDFs in Cloudera SQL Stream Builder

Cloudera’s SQL Stream Builder (SSB) is a versatile platform for data analytics using SQL. As apart of Cloudera Streaming Analytics it enables users to easily write, run, and manage real-time SQL queries on streams with a smooth user experience, while it attempts to expose the full power of Apache Flink. SQL has been around for a long time, and it is a very well understood language for querying data.

Reverse ETL - A Must-Have for Modern Businesses?

Extract, Transform, Load (ETL), and Extract, Load, Transform (ELT) pipelines are standard data management techniques among data engineers. Indeed, organizations have long been using these processes to create effective data models. However, there has recently been a remarkable rise in the use of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based customer relationship management (CRM) apps, such as Salesforce, Zendesk, Hubspot, Zoho, etc., to store and analyze customer data.

AIOps Observability: Going Beyond Traditional APM

AIOps is an emerging technology that applies machine learning and analytics techniques to IT operations. AIOps enables IT teams to leverage advanced algorithms to identify performance issues, predict outages, and optimize system performance. Nodesource sees significant advantages for developers and teams to increase software quality by leveraging AIOPS.

The Evolution from DevOps to DataOps

By Jason Bloomberg, President, Intellyx Part 2 of the Demystifying Data Observability Series for Unravel Data In part one of this series, fellow Intellyx analyst Jason English explained the differences between DevOps and DataOps, drilling down into the importance of DataOps observability. The question he left open for this article: how did we get here? How did DevOps evolve to what it is today, and what parallels or differences can we find in the growth of DataOps?