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Building Custom Runtimes with Editors in Cloudera Machine Learning

Cloudera Machine Learning (CML) is a cloud-native and hybrid-friendly machine learning platform. It unifies self-service data science and data engineering in a single, portable service as part of an enterprise data cloud for multi-function analytics on data anywhere. CML empowers organizations to build and deploy machine learning and AI capabilities for business at scale, efficiently and securely, anywhere they want.

Minimize IT Dependence With Self-Service Financial Reporting

Finance teams are taking on new challenges and responsibilities in light of the uncertain economic climate that surfaced in the wake of the global pandemic, supply chain disruptions, price inflation, and the wholesale workforce exodus known as the “Great Resignation.” Now more than ever, organizational leadership is looking to the Office of the CFO to be a strategic partner in building an overall business strategy.

Easily Monetize Your APIs with Moesif Plus Chargebee

It’s always great to build something that makes money. The most successful businesses often find the easiest and most efficient ways to make money, while keeping costs and support to a minimum. After all, the best businesses and products are simply the ones that know how to build revenue. Many companies now look to monetizing their APIs as part of their overall monetization strategy. API monetization isn’t always easy though.

API Authentication: What Is It?

With cybercrime continuing to grow at an alarming rate and cybercriminals getting increasingly clever about how they get their hands on your precious data, API authentication is more important than ever. If you’ve ever logged into an app or website using your Facebook or Google account, then you’ve used API authentication. APIs are the backbone of the internet. They allow disparate systems and login pages to communicate, exchanging user data and triggering actions.

What is RevOps, and How Can It Impact Your Ecommerce Business?

Ecommerce businesses have been dominating the online community for quite some time now. Over the years, we have seen many enterprises transform to operate online, and customers rely more on online marketplaces due to accessibility and comfort. Perhaps the most important outcome of this digital transformation was the concept of Software-as-a-service (SAAS). SAAS has allowed organizations to sell digital solutions and create a client base.

Predictable Code in Elixir: Expressions as Reducers and Macros

In the first part of this series on maintainable Elixir code, we started by applying rules for code predictability in our code design. We immediately saw an emerging pattern: a series of transformations on state. In this part, we'll explore this pattern further. We'll first learn how to write expressions as reducers. Then we'll use metaprogramming to make use of reducers and enforce code style seamlessly. Finishing up, we'll see an example where all the pieces fit together. Let's get going!

6 key metrics to determine product quality

Every organization knows what quality should look like for the products they work on. However, what’s the best way of knowing whether the obtained quality compares to the expected quality of the product(s)? Quality can be both quantitative and qualitative. Many questions could be asked to determine quality. For example, "How do you feel about the product you use? How easy is it to use? Does it behave as expected? Do customers keep coming back to use our product?