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How to Develop a Structured Exploratory Testing Strategy

However, the flexibility of exploratory testing comes with the risk of ad hoc, random outcomes with no structure or consistency between testers, test managers, and projects. While testers should not be limited in their exploratory testing efforts, having a disciplined approach is a fantastic tool for gathering feedback, detecting errors, and enhancing UX.

How to Keep Database Table Sizes Down and Prevent Data Bloat

Most web applications use a data store of some kind, often a relational database. When a web app becomes successful, it can become all too easy to start "hoarding" data in the database. But hoarding data leads to the unbounded growth of database tables (both row count and stored data size). While this works fine to a certain point, it is very useful to prevent some data bloat — or, if you cannot prevent it, to plan for your infrastructure ahead of time to adequately manage growth.

Eating Our Own Dog Food: Production Debugging

Rookout’s Live Debugger is a product that’s created for developers, by developers. As such, our R&D team knows firsthand the actual challenges that developers face daily when debugging in production. It is a constant struggle to gain an understanding of what’s happening in their complex environments without accidentally breaking something, waiting for another deployment, or having to write additional lines of code.

Store k6 metrics in TimescaleDB and visualize with Grafana

​ TimescaleDB is a open-source database that extends PostgreSQL for better storage, processing, and analysis of time-series data at scale. If you want to know more about TimescaleDB, I recommend you look at the official documentation. k6 is an open-source and extensible load testing tool that generates the results of the testing (k6 metrics) as time-series data. k6 can send metrics to various formats and systems.

Get started with Salesforce and Heroku

Salesforce is an excellent CRM tool with many features to help you manage your business' workflows. Heroku is a cloud platform that enables developers to build, run and operate great apps. Whether you’re running a small business or managing 1,000 employees, either of these tools can be beneficial for your organization. Here are some ways to get started with Salesforce and Heroku.

Why Kong Might Not Be Right for You

In today’s world, tech and software possibilities are exponentially expanding. Whether it is the innovation of cloud-based storage or a solution to a very old problem, there is always something new coming out. While the innovation allows businesses to become more streamlined and optimized than ever before, integrating this new software into your business may be a challenging task.

Comments in Python 3: How to write them?

Python was created by Guido van Rossum in the early 90's and is an interpreted, high-level programming language that is used by coders of all types. It is a widely-used programming language because of its readability and the fact that it is easy to learn for novice programmers. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, functional, and imperative/procedural styles.

Use Streams to Build High-Performing Node.js Applications

The moment you type something on a keyboard, read a file from a disk or download a file over the internet, a stream of information (bits) flows through different devices and applications. If you learn to work with these streams of bits, you'll be able to build performant and valuable applications. For example, think of when you watch a video on YouTube. You don't have to wait until the full video downloads.