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Overcoming common challenges in implementing CI/CD pipelines

Pipelines for continuous integration and continuous deployment, or CI/CD, are critical for contemporary software teams that aim for speed and agility. These pipelines, which automate the integration, testing, and deployment of code changes, enable teams to release new features and improvements quickly. There are obstacles involved in creating an effective CI/CD pipeline, though. This article explores common obstacles teams face in CI/CD implementation.

Nuances of Quality Engineering for Emerging Technologies

Increasingly digital consumption of products and services, along with the shift to remote work and education, have significantly affected how software is developed and tested. According to Deloitte’s “2023 Quality Engineering Trends” report, “new technologies” is still the top factor driving testing spend.

Enhancing Software Quality: the symbiosis of Testability and Observability

Software testability measures how simple it is to test both the system as a whole and each individual component. In modern discussions about testing, the focus often shifts solely to the tests themselves, overlooking the socio-technical environment in which the application or project operates. Ensuring your application is testable means making it straightforward and reliable to test, so that when issues arise, we can be confident they are real issues and not artifacts of poor testability.

The impact of AI on Test Automation frameworks

Test automation involves software tools and scripts to execute tests automatically without manual intervention, which accelerates testing cycles, enhances accuracy, and minimizes human errors. Artificial Intelligence (AI) includes machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. These systems simulate human intelligence, enabling machines to learn from data, make decisions, and solve problems autonomously.

How to train your team for Exploratory Testing

Picture a team that’s working on a new mobile banking application: This is an example of the impact Exploratory Testing can have on your testing efforts. It is a hands-on approach to software testing in which you simultaneously design and execute tests using your creativity and intuition. The purpose of this blog post is to guide you on how to effectively train your team for exploratory testing, ensuring they are well-equipped to leverage this approach for maximizing software quality.

Integrate Xray Enterprise with Popular CI/CD Tools for Automated Testing

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) have become essential for delivering high-quality software at speed - automating testing processes ensures that new code changes are thoroughly validated before reaching production. However, managing these automated tests across multiple CI/CD tools can be challenging. This blog post explores how Xray Enterprise can be seamlessly integrated with popular CI/CD tools to enhance your automated testing workflows.

Taking care of your data with Exploratory Testing

Every application, web or non-web-based, has to deal with data. Even though there are static websites, where data is somehow embedded, most sites and applications rely on dynamic data stored somewhere and somehow. What testing can you do around data handling? Can you use exploratory testing to uncover problems related to data? What type of problems? In this article, you’ll get some guidelines for your exploratory testing sessions around data.

How to organize a bug bash

Bug bashes are time-boxed events where participants (developers, testers, product managers, and customers) come together to identify and report as many bugs as possible, providing a fresh perspective on the software. They encourage cross-functional interaction, accelerate the bug discovery process, uncover critical issues, improve the overall quality of the software, and enhance product reliability before release. To organize one, you need to consider.

3 mindset shifts to succeed in Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is highly effective in uncovering hidden issues, but many teams need help when used to manual testing. Teams, products, and users constantly evolve, meaning risks impacting quality are not static or entirely predictable. This dynamic environment requires a flexible approach to identify and address potential issues. This blog post explains how to enhance your overall testing strategy by blending exploratory testing with your team's manual testing routines.