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A Beginner's Guide to Managing Projects with Wrike

Project management is the process of completing the set objectives of a project, coordinating the team members, and ensuring that the right methods are used. Good project management involves working within the confines of a budget as well as time constraints and ensuring that the right people are working on the right areas.

8 Common Causes of Flaky Tests in Elixir

Flaky tests are like meme stocks — many people have them, but no one knows what to do with them. Today, we will change that by diving into some common causes and, more importantly, solutions for flickering tests in Elixir. Elixir has many great primitives that let us run tests asynchronously, including immutable data, lightweight processes, and the Ecto SQL sandbox. Running tests asynchronously can greatly speed up your test suite, but can also increase the chance of flaky tests.

Set API Bandwidth Limits With This Hackathon Award-Winning Plugin

This year, we hosted our inaugural Kong Summit Hackathon. This virtual competition engaged our open source community and offered recognition and prizes for hacks in various categories. The community delivered with ingenious plugins, hacks and documentation. This blog post highlights our Kong Gateway plugin winner, Narendra Patel. Narendra is a senior DevOps engineer at Egnyte with close to 10 years of experience as a developer, DevOps engineer, SRE and in RPA (robotics process automation).

Make use of the console.log() Like a Pro

For any developer, console.log() is one of the most well-known javascript functions since it allows us to quickly check for errors in our code in some circumstances. If you're unfamiliar with it, it's a tool that Javascript developers use to debug their code. Almost all popular browsers include a console, which comes in helpful for debugging Javascript. To access your browser's console, you use the console object of Javascript.

A Beginner's Guide to DOM (Document Object Model)

Since the turn of the century, websites have progressed dramatically. What used to be a network of basic text-based pages has developed into a network of carefully created experiences, complete with responsive buttons, parallax scrolling, and tailored information. These website design aspects don't appear out of anywhere, of course.

How to use code coverage to measure your readiness to deploy

Testing and Quality Assurance can be endless tasks. That’s why testing teams need metrics to measure and quantify their work and success. Testing metrics provide tangible ways to measure the progress of testing, as well as the readiness to deploy a product. One of the most common and useful metrics is code coverage. Many testers consider it a good practice to write test cases that provide maximum code coverage and verify the expected and wanted behavior of the software.

How To Use Change Data Capture with

Change data capture (CDC) is a crucial, but also tremendously underappreciated, feature that forms the backbone of modern ETL workloads. Without knowing which data has changed since you last accessed it, you’d be forced to extract all the data from a source table or database each time that you perform data integration—which would be a tremendously inefficient process.