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Digital Twins in Manufacturing: What You Need to Know

Across industries, we’re seeing more use of digital twins in manufacturing. Digital twin visualization technology pairs well with the sensors that manufacturers use to gather vital information on production processes. Now, the information being collected via smart manufacturing systems can be incorporated into visual, interactive models. These models help teams drive innovation.

Why I joined Continual

Today, I’m excited to share that I’ve joined Continual as Head of Marketing. Continual is radically simplifying the path to operational AI with the first continual AI platform built for the modern data stack. More in a bit on what that means, but the “so what?” is about opening the door for more organizations to embed AI across their business at scale.

Data Thinking: Agility in Digital Transformation

Maybe these situations sound familiar to you… You want to enhance the activities of your company with digital, data-based approaches. The opportunities and challenges of digital transformation are obvious, so it makes sense to rethink certain business strategies based on data. You’ve built a strategy through creative methods like design thinking, and you know exactly what data-centric solutions you need to develop – but the technical departments are pushing back.

How Did You Detect and Handle Change Data Capture from The Source?

“Businesses that manage their data effectively derive unique insights from it and tend to move quicker and be leaders in their industries.” That’s according to Kim Stevenson, Senior Vice President and General Manager of NetApp Foundational Data Services However, that data is only helpful if you can find what you need when you need it and put it to good use. This guide discusses CDC Change Data Capture to provides up-to-date information for real-time analytics.

Under the Hood of Macros in Elixir

Welcome back to part two of this series on metaprogramming in Elixir. In part one, we introduced metaprogramming and gave a brief overview of macros. In this part, we will explore the inner workings and behaviors of macros in more depth. As discussed in the previous post, macros are compile-time constructs in Elixir. So, before diving into how macros work, it is important to understand where macros lie within Elixir’s compilation process.