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Admission Control Architecture for Cloudera Data Platform

Apache Impala is a massively parallel in-memory SQL engine supported by Cloudera designed for Analytics and ad hoc queries against data stored in Apache Hive, Apache HBase and Apache Kudu tables. Supporting powerful queries and high levels of concurrency Impala can use significant amounts of cluster resources. In multi-tenant environments this can inadvertently impact adjacent services such as YARN, HBase, and even HDFS.

Database-driven realtime architectures: building a serverless and editable chat app - Part 2

Hello again! Welcome to Part 2 of this article series where we go through database-driven architectures by understanding the nitty gritties of a chat app where you can edit messages. Here's the Part 1 of this article series, if you missed it: Database-driven realtime architectures: building a serverless and editable chat app - Part 1 Check out the editable chat app or explore the project on GitHub.

The Life of an API Gateway Request (Part 1)

The inner workings of an API gateway request can be difficult to understand because of its scale. To provide some orientation, we will use the real world as a reference, from planet-spanning infrastructure to a person eating a chocolate bar (processing a server response in a plugin). This series will divide the abstraction space of how Kong Gateway processes requests into four different layers.

Managing APIs at Scale in a Kubernetes Environment - Part II

In the last blog, we discussed the challenges in managing APIs at scale in a Kubernetes environment. We also discussed how deploying a Kubernetes Ingress Controller or an API gateway can help you address those challenges. In this blog, we will briefly touch upon some of the similarities and differences between an API gateway and Kubernetes Ingress. We will also discuss a unique approach offered by Kong for the end-to-end lifecycle API management (APIM) in Kubernetes.

Process Mining, Low-code, and the Future of Innovation, Part 1

This is the decade of hyperautomation—a decade when companies are doubling down on mating critical processes to drive sustainable growth. But here’s the problem. An eye-popping 60 to 80% of your organization’s processes may be running on unstructured data such as documents and email according to news reports. Which makes them that much harder to automate manage and audit.