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How T-Mobile Netherlands ditched its dashboards to dial up self-service business insights

In a telecoms industry differentiated mainly by service and threatened by churn, gaining access to timely customer data initially drove internal demand for analytics and BI (ABI) reporting. When demand grew beyond customer service, our IT team really struggled to keep up. This set us off on a journey to find ways to help our colleagues to find insights and the answers to their questions themselves.

From two years to 24 hours: How Mastercard taps into financial facts faster with ThoughtSpot

When dealing with payments, speed is king. Technology is increasing the speed at which innovation happens, and nowhere is that more apparent than how everyday commerce is transacted. Credit cards are now built with tap-to-pay capabilities, if you still even have a physical credit card. Phones have become the new credit card, with data from transactions and mobile banking adding to the overwhelming amount of data that can be collected.

Security Game Plan for Your Microservices Applications

The demand for digital transformation has accelerated, with 62% of technology leaders sharing that they fear they are at risk of being displaced by competitors who innovate more quickly. Enterprises are increasingly transitioning from monolithic to microservices architecture, with the goal to accelerate application development, speed up innovation and reduce time to market.

What is new in Cloudera Streaming Analytics 1.4?

At the end of March, we released the first version of Cloudera SQL StreamBuilder as part of CSA 1.3. It enabled users to easily write, run and manage real-time SQL queries on streams from Apache Kafka with an exceptionally smooth user experience. Since then, we have been working hard to expose the full power of Apache Flink SQL and the existing Data Warehousing tools in CDP to combine it into a state-of-the-art real-time analytics platform.

Cloudera named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave: Streaming Analytics, Q2 2021

Cloudera has been named as a Strong Performer in the Forrester Wave for Streaming Analytics, Q2 2021. We are excited to be recognized in this wave at, what we consider to be, such a strong position. We are proud to have been named as one of “The 14 providers that matter most” in streaming analytics. The report states that richness of analytics, development tool options and near-effortless scalability are what streaming analytics customers should look for in a provider.

Cloudera Streaming Analytics 1.4: the unification of SQL batch and streaming

In October of 2020 Cloudera acquired Eventador and Cloudera Streaming Analytics (CSA) 1.3.0 was released early in 2021. It was the first release to incorporate SQL Stream Builder (SSB) from the acquisition, and brought rich SQL processing to the already robust Apache Flink offering. The team’s focus turned to bringing Flink Data Definition Language (DDL) and the batch interface into SSB with that completed.

How to Turn Your Data Into Insights: the Art and Science of E-Discovery

The thing about data is there’s no end to how much of it you can collect and keep. Each day, if you’re like most of the global banks I work with, you’re generating oceans of the stuff. Yet the bulk of it will never be very helpful or even relevant to your day-to-day business decisions.

What is the best way for automated mobile browser testing on real devices?

Mobiles have become a part and parcel of our lives. Smartphone penetration has seen an increase for the past decade with some countries such as the UK leading the race with as high as 82%. In a world with a 7.5 billion population, 4.3 billion people are projected (by 2023) to keep this small device in their pockets and use it daily. Although the pandemic slowed down this growth, Gartner projects the sales would be up 11% in 2021. Surprised by these stats?