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How the Cyber Resilience Act Pushes More Responsibility

Standards of digital security are getting higher. Organizations have to be proactive in setting safeguards that will protect against evolving threats, and have competent technical minds at the helm. Pamela Oliveira shares her insights on how this act is reshaping responsibility and why tech minds need to be looking ahead at their product life to ensure the needed security measures are in place.

The Five Pillars of Regulatory Compliance: Essential Frameworks Under the Digital Operational Resiliency Act (DORA)

Businesses increasingly rely on digital technologies to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and stay competitive. However, with the advantages of digitization come inherent risks and challenges that can disrupt business operations. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive framework to address digital operational resilience, governments worldwide have introduced legislative measures to safeguard businesses and consumers.

How the EU's Digital Operations Resilience Act (DORA) Aims To Strengthen Operational Resilience in Financial Services

As the cybersecurity threat landscape continues to evolve globally, organizations operating in the financial sector are seeing regulations shift to address the associated risks, and none may prove more impactful than the European Union’s (EU) Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). This regulation aims to strengthen the operational resilience of financial entities (FEs), and their third-party information and communication technology (ICT) providers.

What is Data Privacy-and Why Is It Important?

You've probably heard the expression "data is the new oil." Well, data today is fueling an increasing number of businesses. Personalized customer experiences, automated marketing messaging, and science-driven insights all depend on the quality and volume of your information. Companies are eager to gather data, and understandably so. Legislators, on the other hand, are keen to protect the privacy and safety of individuals.

What the White House Executive Order means for AI development and testing: Tricentis takeaways

On October 30, 2023, President Joe Biden issued a landmark Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Executive Order represents a comprehensive statement of intent for AI regulation, mandating transparency from firms that use AI and establishing safety and security standards. Moreover, it compels AI developers to disclose the outcomes of safety evaluations to the U.S. government, especially if the results indicate a potential threat to national security.

Implications of the AI Executive Order for Government Procurement Systems

Artificial intelligence holds the potential to enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and improve decision-making across various government sectors. But without robust safeguards, there is a heightened risk of biased decision-making, privacy breaches, and misuse of sensitive data. The Biden administration’s AI executive order establishes new standards for AI safety and security as well as for responsible use of AI at federal agencies and in state and local governments.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act Violations as a Catalyst for Payment Testing

For many CTOs, daily operations are a balancing act of maintaining systems and cutting-edge technology while complying with the laws and regulations relevant to their host organization. But what happens when you miss a step and have Sarbanes-Oxley Act violations? If you’re willing, it can lead to a culture shift that embraces compliance, QA, and testing to prevent future issues.

7 reasons why your business needs a criminal defense lawyer

Businesses today need to be ready for almost anything in a flash, especially when it concerns legal matters. However, there are several instances that may catch you and your employees off guard, for example, false criminal charges and lawsuits. When faced with such adversities, it is imperative to have a damage control strategy already in place to ensure immediate action. For many small and medium businesses, this means hiring and allotting their own quick-action task force, which may not be economically feasible or practical in the long run.