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PII Substitution May Be the Future of Data Privacy

Unfortunately, most of us have had our sensitive data or personal information compromised at one point or another. Whether the leaked data involves credit cards, a bank account number, a social security number, or an email address, nearly everyone has been a victim of a third-party data breach. In 2020, over 155 million people in the U.S. — nearly half the country's population — experienced unauthorized data exposure.

Upgrading Your DreamFactory Instance

Upgrading your DreamFactory instance is in most cases a very straightforward process, generally requiring less than thirty minutes to complete in addition to the time spent configuring a new host server. Most of the work is automated thanks to the platform installers we’ve included with each release since version 3.0 (click here to learn more). We’ve recently updated our guide to include a new comprehensive section on upgrading your environment, which you can read here.

Modernizing Data Pipelines using Cloudera Data Platform - Part 1

Data pipelines are in high demand in today’s data-driven organizations. As critical elements in supplying trusted, curated, and usable data for end-to-end analytic and machine learning workflows, the role of data pipelines is becoming indispensable. To keep up, data pipelines are being vigorously reshaped with modern tools and techniques.

Apache Ozone Metadata Explained

Apache Ozone is a distributed object store built on top of Hadoop Distributed Data Store service. It can manage billions of small and large files that are difficult to handle by other distributed file systems. As an important part of achieving better scalability, Ozone separates the metadata management among different services: Ozone Manager (OM) service manages the metadata of the namespace such as volume, bucket and keys.

How to Create an Alias to Easily Start JMeter on your Local Machine

Apache JMeter is a Java-based, open source testing tool, which can help you create and run functional and load tests for Websites, APIs (REST and SOAP) and other web services. Let me show you my personal configuration and how I start and configure JMeter for a faster and better use on my local machine.

How to Optimize Docker Performance

Docker containers have revolutionized the cloud industry. While Docker containers already present remarkable benefits and plus-points over other virtualization methods, there are significant performance gains that developers can further squeeze out of Docker to get the most out of the technology. This guide will cover different methods of optimizing Docker performance and answer some frequently asked questions about the technology.

GitLab 2021 DevSecOps Survey Key Findings

For the last several years, GitLab has run a major survey about the trends facing the DevSecOps community. This year over 4,000 people responded to the survey, 40% who identified as a Software Developer / Software Engineer. Also about half the survey participants are based in Asia, a major region for Software Developers. One of the biggest trends you will find throughout the survey is how much developers value speed and efficiency.