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Helix QAC 2021.1 Continues to Provide In-Depth, High-Quality Compliance Coverage

With the latest release of Helix QAC, the static code analysis tool continues to provide you with in-depth, high-quality compliance coverage for C and C++ coding languages. However, what makes Helix QAC 2021.1 notable is that it now offers complete support for many key coding standards. Here is an overview of the most impactful enhancements made to Helix QAC.

5 Ways to Effectively Import Your Product Requirements

Product lifecycle management is all about the dynamics between requirements and their fulfilment (e.g., the ability to test and prove that a requirement is fully covered, as defined during the product planning phase). Understanding this relationship, and respecting it unconditionally, allows great products to achieve world-class quality and stability. For the majority of products, the combination of people, processes, and technology is triggering different forms of changes to the original plan.

Reverse ETL: What You Need to Know

Data integration has been around for decades in some form or fashion, as organizations are always looking for ways to combine their enterprise data and collect it in a centralized location. The most commonly used and dominant type of data integration is ETL (extract, transform, load). ETL first extracts data from one or more source systems, transforms it as necessary, and then loads it into a target warehouse or data lake.

Are Data Silos Hindering Your Digital Transformation?

Most organizations today have some form of digital transformation strategy in the works. But a large share of these projects fail. Why is this? IT specialists will tell you that apart from misalignment between the goals of IT and business leadership, the main obstacle to a successful digital transformation is the adherence to obsolete data silos.

Common Challenges Associated with the Composable Enterprise

From Silicon Valley startups to established corporations, more and more companies are shifting to a composable enterprise architecture. And it is easy to see why. The world of business technology is growing fast and in unpredictable ways. Businesses need to stay competitive by keeping pace with — or better yet, ahead of — emerging tech. Composable enterprises allow for this flexibility by establishing the groundwork for integrating new applications and functionalities.

5 Success Stories That Show the Value of Enterprise Data Cloud

What’s the fastest and easiest path towards powerful cloud-native analytics that are secure and cost-efficient? In our humble opinion, we believe that’s Cloudera Data Platform (CDP). And sure, we’re a little biased—but only because we’ve seen firsthand how CDP helps our customers realize the full benefits of public cloud.

10 Steps to Achieve Enterprise Machine Learning Success

You’ve probably heard it more than once: Machine learning (ML) can take your digital transformation to another level. It’s a pie-in-the-sky statement that sounds great, right? And while you’d be forgiven for thinking that it might sound too good to be true, operational ML is, in fact, achievable and sustainable. You can get the very kind of ML you need to increase revenue and lower costs. To help teams work smarter and do things faster.

Android application testing: Comparison of the two approaches - Manual and Automated

In the last one decade, the growth of Android was whopping which is very much evident if you look at the stats. Back in 2009, Android shared only 3.9% of the total market which has grown to over 72% in the last 10 years. Talking about the current trend, almost everyone who is planning to develop a website goes for developing an Android app.