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Reliable WebSockets-based pub/sub with Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a powerful application framework for creating production-grade Spring based Applications. It allows for developers to very quickly and easily get sites up and running, with databases and more. In this tutorial, we’ll be going over WebSockets, Pub/Sub, and how to make the most out of these in your Spring Boot applications.

Solving Customer Related Problems with R&D

As an R&D manager, there are many things on my mind that keep me up at night. These thoughts range anywhere from impossible research explorations, employee motivation, rising cloud costs, all the way to security incidents. However, there is one that sweeps all of them aside when they surface and that is solving customer facing issues.

Fintech startup, Branch makes data analytics easy with BigQuery

As a startup in the fintech sector, Branch helps redefine the future of work by building innovative, simple-to-use tech solutions. We’re an employer payments platform, helping businesses provide faster pay and fee-free digital banking to their employees. As head of the Behavioral and Data Science team, I was tapped last year to build out Branch’s team and data platform. I brought my enthusiasm for Google Cloud and its easy-to-use solutions to the first day on the job.

Rob Galbraith: The 7 Fatal Flaws of Insurance, Part 2

Last week, insurance industry expert Rob Galbraith introduced us to “The 7 Fatal Flaws of Insurance." This week, Galbraith weighs in on low-code automation as a competitive advantage in the $5 trillion insurance industry. “For a $5 trillion industry as mature as insurance," says Galbraith, “technology that can help solve any one of the seven fatal flaws would make a pretty good business. There's a lot of room for improvement.”

4 ways instrumented testing helps companies deploy faster

These days, speed is everything in software development. As companies try to keep up with the rush to create new software features and test code, they rely on technology advances to meet tight release schedules (without sacrificing quality). Software testing technology in particular has solved many quality assurance challenges and allowed businesses to focus on developing applications that delight their customers.

Where in the World is Xplenty?

In 2011, Pope John Paul II was beatified, Prince William married Kate Middleton, "Game of Thrones" premiered, and Xplenty was born. On a quiet sycamore tree-lined street in Tel Aviv, Israel, breathing distance from Kiryat Sefer Park, the then-startup had just launched a game-changing Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) tool to process, transform, and move data at speed and generate big data analytics at scale. It would become the most advanced data pipeline platform on the planet.

Yellowfin 9.5 release highlights

With 9.5, we've focused on providing new capabilities and enhancements for everyone involved in the data to design workflow - analysts, developers, users - that streamline processes, introduce functional improvements and enrich the analytic experience for all. For the full list of updates, please read the release notes and check out our release highlights video below to see some of these new enhancements in action for yourself.

Comparing the Selenium and Cypress Testing Frameworks

Automated testing for web apps has been around for well over a decade. For much of that time, Selenium has reigned supreme as the go-to testing framework for virtually any type of testing need that involves a browser-based app. But as the world of test automation continues to evolve, newer tools have emerged. Chief among them is Cypress, a testing framework that is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to Selenium. Is Selenium or Cypress a better choice for your automated testing needs?