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Using BigQuery Administrator for real-time monitoring

When doing analytics at scale with BigQuery, understanding what is happening and being able to take action in real-time is critical. To that end, we are happy to announce Resource Charts for BigQuery Administrator. Resources Charts provide a native, out-of-the-box experience for real-time monitoring and troubleshooting of your BigQuery environments.

ETLG: ETL for Data Governance and Better Security

Most enterprises are leveraging vast reserves of data to improve their business insights and decision-making. However, as companies manage larger stores of data and move more and more information from operational databases to data warehouses, it creates an ever-mounting threat of data breaches.

Will Data Privacy drive an Enterprise Data Strategy?

Data privacy is an increasingly complex and contentious topic. The appropriate use of data and transparency to the potential uses of the data are at the center of debate amongst the largest Big Tech companies. The protection and controls around data become increasingly complex when used in the context of banking and insurance activities. Personal and confidential information carries heightened sensitivity in the light of financial, health and insurance activities.

Android UI Testing: 14 best practices

An application is focused on the perspective of the end-user. We develop, observe and re-iterate as the end-user wants because they are the ones who keep our product, the application, alive in the market. But if I think and act like an end-user, I am sure that the first thing that creates an impression of the product is how the product looks, how I accept it and how it feels to interact. This is called a user interface and arguably, is the first impression of your product.

Implementing HIPAA Technical Safeguards in your API Platform

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA for short, is a set of laws around handling health-related data in information systems. It defines safeguards, which are rules you have to follow when handling health data for your customers. There are three safeguard categories: All three categories have to be handled correctly if you want your API to be HIPAA compliant. In a companion article we covered those key requirements and how to build HIPAA complaint API platforms.

Google BigQuery is a Leader in The 2021 Forrester Wave: Cloud Data Warehouse

We are thrilled to announce that Google has been named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Data Warehouse, Q1 2021 report. For more than a decade, BigQuery, our petabyte-scale cloud data warehouse, has been in a class of its own. We're excited to share this recognition and we want to thank our strong community of customers and partners for voicing their opinion. We believe this report validates the alignment of our strategy with our customers’ analytics needs.

How APIs Can Support Enterprise IT Transformation

As stakeholders in more organizations look toward digital transformation strategies, they need to take a closer look at how to modernize their software. An overhaul of an IT system can be expensive and risky, even if the results pay off. What is not often examined however is the role of APIs in supporting enterprise IT transformation initiatives.