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Stitch vs. Dell Boomi vs. Xplenty: Battle of 3 ETL Platforms

Five differences between Stitch vs. Dell Boomi vs. Xplenty: Real-time data provides a competitive advantage, so every business requires an analytics strategy. But many organizations struggle to integrate data because they store information in lots of locations, including apps, SaaS, and legacy systems. Extract, Transform, and Load (ELT) makes it easier for companies like yours to access data in disparate locations and move it to one centralized system.

Composable Enterprise: The New Business Architecture

With all the emphasis on the ‘why’ of digital transformation, there’s little clarity of what the end result should look like. And that’s on purpose, because transformation goals are different for each organization and a cookie-cutter model of successful businesses would only stifle innovation. But if there’s one term to describe the end-state of a digitally transformed business, it would be ‘composable enterprise’.

Microsoft Azure API Management vs. 3scale: Find the Right API Solution for You

Today’s businesses often rely on hundreds of digital assets, including legacy systems and new applications that streamline their processes. However, you can’t rely on your SaaS apps, microservices, and systems to integrate themselves. Instead, you need an API solution built for full lifecycle API management. Microsoft Azure API Management and 3scale get a lot of positive reviews from users.

Creating a Data Strategy & Self-Service Data Platform in FinTech

In this episode of CDO Battlescars, Sandeep Uttamchandani, Unravel Data’s CDO, speaks with Keyur Desai, CDO of TD Ameritrade. They discuss battlescars in two areas: Building a Data Strategy and Pervasive Self-Service Analytics Platforms. Keyur is a data executive with over 30 years of experience managing and monetizing data and analytics.

Creating a Data Strategy & Self-Service Data Platform in FinTech

In this episode of CDO Battlescars, Sandeep Uttamchandani, Unravel Data’s CDO, speaks with Keyur Desai, CDO of TD Ameritrade. They discuss battlescars in two areas: Building a Data Strategy and Pervasive Self-Service Analytics Platforms. Keyur is a data executive with over 30 years of experience managing and monetizing data and analytics.

Writing your scripts in Java and Kotlin with Bitrise

If you are familiar with Bitrise you probably already used the Script Step to do something in your CI workflow. There are multiple options for the language of your script, by default it is a bash script, but the description of the step also mentions Go, Ruby or Python. Although it does not mention Java or Kotlin, I will show you in the next few minutes how to do it!

Feature Spotlight: Golden Signals

As a team we have spent many years troubleshooting performance problems in production systems. Applications have gotten so complex you need a standard methodology to understand performance. Fortunately right now there are a couple of common frameworks we can borrow from: Despite using different acronyms and terms, they fortunately are all different ways of describing the same thing.

How Do Data Pipelines Fit Into Your Data Stack?

The amount of big data generated around the world by the time you finish this page is limitless. Think about it for a second. Companies everywhere will create an innumerable amount of data right now — customer records, sales orders, chain reports, emails, you name it. Companies need all this data for data analytics — the science of modeling raw data to uncover precious real-time insights about their business. It's like opening a treasure trove.

Tyk or Akana: Which Has the Right API Management Tools to Match Your Needs?

Whether you work for a startup or a giant corporation, your organization likely needs a reliable API management solution that helps all of your SaaS apps communicate with each other. The following article compares Tyk and Akana to help you decide whether one of them could meet your needs.

Community and Evangelism in Digital Transformation

Inertia, cynicism, and doubt can make it difficult for organizations to commit to digital transformation. Employees, executives, and stakeholders might resist digital transformation initiatives even after you explain its benefits. It often takes more than explaining benefits. You get the best results when you can build a community of digital transformation evangelical’s who gets others excited about adopting new technologies.