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Top Takeaways From CDO Sessions: Customers and Thought Leaders

We’ve been busy speaking to our customers and thought leaders in the industry and have rounded up the key takeaways from our latest CDO sessions. Here are some of the top takeaways and advice gained from these sessions with big data leaders, Kumar Menon from Equifax, Anheuser-Busch’s Harinder Singh, Sandeep Uttamchandani from Unravel, and DBS Bank’s Matteo Pelati.

Angular: How to Use Virtual Scroll With a Flat Tree?

While developing Kraken’s frontend I quickly stumbled upon performance issues with Angular Material tree when too many nodes where opened. Kraken is an open source load testing IDE. As such, it displays a tree of directories and files used to script the load testing scenarios: You can have a look by creating a free account on the demo or check the source code of the UI on GitHub. It uses the latest version of Angular and components provided by Angular Material such as the tree.

Security Best Practices for Node.js

Because a lot of systems are connected to the web these days (or, at least, communicate/integrate with it at some level), companies are giving more and more attention to web security. Web security usually comes to public attention when certain events reach the news, for example, security leakages, hacker activities, and/or data-stealing over big companies, some of them really large (like Google, LinkedIn, etc.).

Factory Edge to Cloud Analytics- Three Fundamental Steps to Success

We recently Googled the manufacturing use case “predictive maintenance” and was astonished by the results there were 82 MILLION results returned. Next, we Googled “process optimization” and it yielded even more results – 302 MILLION. Clearly, these use cases are top of mind in today’s manufacturing landscape, considering digital transformation will deliver $11 Trillion USD in economic value by 2025.

How to generate a constant request rate in k6 with the new scenarios API?

Before the release of k6 v0.27, there was insufficient support for generating constant request rates. Therefore, we introduced a JavaScript workaround by calculating the time it takes for requests to exhaust each iteration of the script. This v0.27 release includes a new execution engine and lots of new executors that cater to your specific needs. It also includes the new scenarios API with lots of different options to configure and model the load on the system under test.

Report: Digital transformation in finance and banking

In the past few months, we’ve been researching the finance and banking market's approach to mobile and put together our key findings in a report. The aim is to help us — and you — better understand how and why fintech apps have dominated the app stores, and to explore how traditional banks can compete.