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Top Application Insights Alternatives for Enhanced App Monitoring

If you feel constrained by Azure Application Insights’ limitations or seek functionalities it doesn’t offer, you’ve likely begun exploring Application Insights alternatives that can better align with your application performance monitoring needs. In other cases, you may have read about the retirement of Classic Application Insights and are looking for a new platform to leverage in the same way.

Build Great APIs with These Essential REST API Best Practices

When it comes to REST API best practices, it can be hard to understand whats important and what is not. This means that developers need immediate, applicable guidance when it comes to applying best practices for building great APIs. This article will dive into techniques that optimize REST API design for clarity, stability, and speed. Discover how strategic endpoint crafting, judicious HTTP method usage, and meticulous attention to security can revolutionize your API. Errors Explained - Time for an Alternative? is a widely used tool for loading data into Salesforce, but even the most experienced users can encounter errors, especially as they start to reach the platform's limitations. Understanding these errors and knowing how to resolve them is crucial for maintaining data integrity and workflow efficiency. In this post, we'll dive into some of the most common errors, their causes, and how to resolve them.

20 Best ETL Tools and Why You Should Choose Them (Open-Source Tools Included)

Companies acquire massive amounts of data online in today’s digital age. You’ll have to transform the raw data to create usable data, whether gathering data from various sources or creating dashboards and visualizations. This is when ETL comes into play.

Accelerate Your Time to Market with Sharing Spaces

The concept of time-to-market has emerged as a pivotal factor in determining success. Bringing new products, services, or features to market can make the crucial difference between seizing opportunities and falling behind. But faster tech advancements, changing consumer preferences, and global market dynamics meant that businesses need a paradigm shift in their approach to strategy. The adoption of APIs has surged, fundamental to rapid development and innovation.

Accelerate Your Roadmap, Delight Your Customers: How Embedded Analytics Supercharges Your Application

As technology advances, so do user expectations. Advanced analytics has emerged as a hot topic and a key area of focus for buyers looking to provide higher quality analysis to inform business decision-making in a turbulent market. Furthermore, the era of cheap money is over. Funding is scarce and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) must ensure their offer is seen as an essential expense for financially constrained buyers, delivering quick value, quality, and innovation.