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5 Challenges of Simplifying DevOps for Data Apps

The benefits of building a DevOps culture for software companies are clear. DevOps practices integrate once-siloed teams across the software development lifecycle, from Dev to QA to Ops, resulting in both faster innovation and improved product quality. As a result, most software development teams have deployed tools to enable DevOps practices across their workflow.

Top Seven E-commerce Platforms in 2020

The introduction of e-commerce stores has made life so easy for the people. It does not make a difference if you are the consumer or a seller. For a seller, it provides the opportunity to express the worth of their brand and product(s). For a consumer, it gives them an all in one platform, where they can shop for multiple categories. With this, the most significant ease for both parties is to opt for e-commerce business is that you can do all this without taking a step out of their house.

Demand for Data Grows in Agriculture

Agriculture (Ag) is the oldest and largest industrial vertical in the world, and its importance continues to grow as it becomes more challenging for people to access healthy and fresh food. A recent Agriculture Analytics Market report, released by Markets and Markets, estimates that by 2023, the global agriculture analytics market size will grow from 585 million to 1.2 billion dollars as demands for real-time data analysis and improved operations increase.

How to Create a Python Stack

All programming languages provide efficient data structures that allow you to logically or mathematically organize and model your data. Most of us are familiar with simpler data structures like lists (or arrays) and dictionaries (or associative arrays), but these basic array-based data structures act more as generic solutions to your programming needs and aren’t really optimized for performance on custom implementations. There’s much more than programming languages bring to the table.

A pivotal paradox: 6 lessons learned managing a fully remote team

A mere few months ago the majority of the world was forced to change drastically, including the move into a ‘fully remote’ mode of office work. As reality was bearing down upon us, tech managers and CEOs everywhere were huddled together trying to figure out how to not only make it work, but work well.

Overview of the Operational Database performance in CDP

This article gives you an overview of Cloudera’s Operational Database (OpDB) performance optimization techniques. Cloudera’s Operational Database can support high-speed transactions of up to 185K/second per table and a high of 440K/second per table. On average, the recorded transaction speed is about 100K-300K/second per node. This article provides you an overview of how you can optimize your OpDB deployment in either Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Public Cloud or Data Center.

Tech Tip: Pointing Your Automated Tests to Sauce

So you’ve realized the benefits of test automation. Through your own research, or perhaps a small proof of concept, you’ve realized removing once-manual quality processes can accelerate release cycles and improve your user experience. You’ve built a small suite of tests, and the benefits are real. The next step in your journey, you realize, is to achieve the real value of automation, which means running it continuously and at scale.

Analyze Your Load Tests

OctoPerf’s report engine provides many graphs to sort and presents test metrics in a comprehensive way. We’ve tried to improve it over the years so that you can access critical information very quickly. But requirements vary from one project to the other. In this post we will look at how you can configure the report to show you preferred metrics, and also all the shortcuts you can take to achieve this goal.