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Easy interactions with MS SQL Server Databases

Low-code platforms are an efficient and effective solution for accessing and managing data in a Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) database. Linx provides an easy way to connect to a database and interact with it in multiple ways, all while removing the need for complex coding. Linx natively allows interaction with an MSSQL database via the Database plugin. Using this plugin, you can: This functionality can be used by dragging the required function from the plugins tab onto the function you are building.

Microsoft Build 2023 Reference Guide for Software Engineering Leaders

Testlio helps software engineering leaders overcome staffing, QA, QE, DevOps release, and quality challenges. As such, we spend our days testing devices, operating systems, hardware, software, apps and anything else you can imagine offered by Microsoft. That’s why we’re excited to share this handy reference guide with all the details for the Microsoft Build 2023 conference. Enjoy!

10 Reasons to Choose Node.Js for Web Development

Node.js is an open-source server environment that is free to use. Built on a JavaScript V8 engine, Node.js runs on various platforms like Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc., and uses JavaScript on the server. Node.js is not a language, library, or framework but a runtime environment. Following are the 10 reasons to Choose Node.Js for Web Development.

9 step mobile app testing strategy checklist

The goal of any mobile product is to create an app experience that’s innovative and new. But there are specific, necessary steps you must accomplish between crafting a clear vision for your app and creating a mobile application. As explained in our step-by-step mobile application testing process, it’s imperative to understand and resolve any requirement contradictions before finalizing the development phase.

7 Things to Know about SaaS Application Testing

As Software-as-a-Service model continues to adapt and evolve, so does SaaS Application Testing. Cloud computing allows providers to deliver software in an unfussy, unmessy way. As the saying goes, “nothing to download, nothing to install.” Granted, not every SaaS app is a web app, but most of them are, so that will be the focus here. Users simply enter their credit card deets, et voila: Access!

How to Migrate from MariaDB to MySQL in 2 Easy Methods?

MariaDB and MySQL are two widely popular relational databases that boast many of the largest enterprises as their clientele. Both MariaDB and MySQL are available in two versions – A community-driven version and an enterprise version. But the distribution of features and development processes in the community and enterprise versions of MySQL and MariaDB differ from each other.

10 Mobile testing types and approaches

Mobile phones have evolved well beyond their once solely utilitarian value thanks to the plethora of applications available on the market. Today, there are over seven million apps available across the Google Android and Apple iOS platforms, so customers have a bevvy of app and game options to choose from. This highly-competitive supply and demand means you must ensure through mobile testing that the quality, usability, and security of your mobile app not only meets expectations but exceeds them.

Decipher the Hype and Reality of ChatGPT for BI and Analytics

ChatGPT’s power is astounding and even more importantly, it is growing incredibly fast. Almost every BI and analytics vendor has initiatives in this area, and while several have implemented integrations, applications are still primarily experimental. The promise is huge, but of course, there are plenty of skeptics with valid reasons. This blog highlights areas where ChatGPT can help business intelligence initiatives, and discusses areas where there may be a bit more hype than reality, for now.

Kong Konnect Analytics Custom Report Feature Gets a Major Upgrade

APIs have become the backbone of modern software development, by facilitating seamless communication between applications and systems. But building an effective API requires more than just good coding skills. It also requires careful monitoring and analysis to ensure optimal performance, security, and adoption. Additionally, creating accurate and in-depth reports can be time-consuming and complicated, especially when dealing with large data sets.