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Microservices and Service Mesh

The service mesh deployment architecture is quickly gaining popularity in the industry. In the strategy, remote procedure calls (RPCs) from one service to another inside of your infrastructure pass through two proxies, one co-located with the originating service, and one at the destination. The local proxy is able to perform a load-balancing role and make decisions about which remote service instance to communicate with, while the remote proxy is able to vet incoming traffic.

Sharpening the Axe: Our Journey into Disruption with Kong

Jason Walker shares how Cargill is using Kong to transform legacy architecture with a “Cloud first, but not always” approach. Hear why Cargill chose Kong for their API gateway as part of their internal API platform, Capricorn, allowing Jason’s small team to stay nimble while they administer decentralized deployments. In this talk from Kong Summit 2018, Jason shares how Kong routes traffic in Cargill’s Kubernetes cluster.

Kong Cloud Part 2: Collecting metrics at 1M+ RPS

In our last blog post in this series, we discussed our journey designing a metrics pipeline for Kong Cloud to ensure the reliability of our SaaS offering. We discussed how we re-architected our production data pipeline using OpenResty to send metrics to Prometheus and saw huge performance gains. We are now able to monitor high traffic volumes in our system using much less compute power, lowering our costs.

Serverless: Komal Mangtani, Greg Osuri, Guillermo Rauch, Gwen Shapira

Serverless and event-driven computing are gaining traction, providing cost savings in the cloud and more efficient resource utilization on premise. Watch this talk recording to hear Kong CTO Marco Palladino moderate a panel discussion with industry leaders about the rise of serverless, its interactions with other cloud-native technologies, the challenges of implementing it, and where the field is headed in the future.

Kong with Terraform: A Field of Dreams

During the Kong Summit in September Dennis Kelly, Senior DevOps engineer, explained how Kong became a core service—and an integral part of the architecture—across brands at Zillow Group. Starting out with a single use case for Kong Community Edition, Zillow advanced to proxying production workloads at scale with Enterprise Edition, automating deployments with Terraform. Kong’s power and flexibility fueled its explosive adoption at Zillow.

Multi-DC, Running at Scale and Yahoo! Japan Case Description

Kong’s stateless architecture and lightweight footprint allow it to be deployed in a variety of environments, with few adjustments required for deployment strategies. At Kong Summit, the Kong Cloud team described their experience with deploying a provider-agnostic, globally-available, high performance Kong installation.