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Ep #14: Erik Wilde on Focusing on the Business Case for your API

Eric Wilde is a prolific YouTuber, author, standards contributor and Catalyst at Axway. He's been working in web technologies and APIs for most of his career. And has just finished the second edition of his book Continuous API Management. Eric shares his perspectives on the business aspects of APIs, specifically.

Kong Builders - Kubernetes Ingress Controller: Expose TCP services with Kong

This week, Viktor Gamov will show you how to expose TCP services using Kong #Kubernetes Ingress Controller. Kong Builders is a livestream series that takes our developer-focused toolsets and puts them on display in the best venue possible – building applications and connecting workloads. We’re taking a hands-on, practitioner-focused approach to exploring Kong’s tools. We’ll build from the ground up - debugging/troubleshooting as we run into problems.

What is Grafana Mimir? with maintainer Marco Pracucci (k6 Office Hours #53)

Maintainer Marco Pracucci talks about the new Grafana project, Mimir, a next-generation time-series database for Prometheus. He joins Developer Advocates Nicole van der Hoeven and Paul Balogh to talk about what Mimir is, why it was needed, and how he helped scale it using k6. RESOURCES.

Audit Logging for Micro-Integrator

When you are running a micro-integrator on a microservices environment, administrators who have admin access to the micro-integrator are able to change its configurations via admin services API. When someone needs to debug the system and find out which person did what change, then the micro-integrator needs to keep a log of activities performed on the micro-integrator. Audit logs are simply a set of logs that let you find what are the changes performed on the micro-integrator instance. Audit logs feature support from the APIM 4.1.0 onward.

Industry pioneers discuss the future of the modern data stack | Fireside chat

Will starships carry #lakehouses? Can the 48-year-old SQL still get the job done? Will #datagovernance finally see a revolution? Fivetran CEO George Fraser caught up over coffee with Ali Ghodsi, CEO of #Databricks, and Bob Muglia, Fivetran Board Member and former CEO of #Snowflake, to imagine a new world forged around the #moderndatastack.

Per API Logging Support for WSO2 API Manager

APIM per API logging support lets you enable logging request details per API basis. This will significantly impact APIM performance when you need to collect logs that come in to and out of the APIM instance. Users are able to enable or disable logging for each API by using the APIM REST API. WSO2 APIM logging gives you multiple log levels that let you log information in different levels.