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Monitoring in Edge Flow Manager | Observability with Grafana

This video explains Edge Flow Manager (EFM) integration with Prometheus and Grafana. After installing and configuring Prometheus to scrape, EFM should also be configured to expose metrics. When the time series are in place, Grafana is also installed and configured to visualize exposed metrics. There are some EFM specific Grafana dashboards that are publicly available that can be easily downloaded and imported to Grafana. When everything is configured correctly agent specific dashboards can be accessed from the EFM UI.

How to achieve data governance for financial institutions

The increasing focus on privacy and data-related regulations makes strategic data governance a key asset for all organisations, particularly the data-rich financial services sector. Financial institutions must have a robust data strategy to navigate data protection regulations, such as GDPR in Europe, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Singapore and Thailand, to remain successful in the regions where they operate and avoid implications arising from noncompliance.