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The Licensing and Pricing Model Associated with FinOps Tools

Cloud cost management tools help organizations get better value from their cloud investments by reducing wasted cloud spend. Many organizations use multi-cloud leveraged third party tools, popularly known by many names, including FinOps tools, Cloud Management Platforms (CMPs), Independent CCMO tools, etc. These tools offer many advanced features and functionalities compared to native CCMO tools, says SRS Vijayaraghavan, Director, Cigniti Technologies.

Kong Builders - July 22 - Running Kong Gateway on Red Hat Open Shift

In this week's episode, Kat Morgan walks through Kong Gateway on #Redhat #OpenShift with special guest Casey Wylie, Principal Solutions Engineer from Red Hat! Kong Builders is a livestream series that takes our developer-focused toolsets and puts them on display in the best venue possible – building applications and connecting workloads.

Safety and Security for Medical Devices with New U.S. House of Representatives Legislation

Inspired by an article from Jim Dempsey, lecturer at the UC Berkeley Law School and a senior policy advisor at the Stanford Cyber Policy Center, I decided to write about the recent legislation approved by the U.S. House of Representatives to address cybersecurity for medical devices and how it relates to open source software security, secure code standards, and static analysis.

Understanding Type Checking in JavaScript Using typeof

In JavaScript, the type checking operator typeof returns the data type of the argument that was supplied to it. Any variable, function, or object whose type you want to determine using the typeof operator can be used as the operand. The typeof operator can be used to check the data type before execution because JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which means that you do not need to define the type of variables when declaring them.

How one telehealth app scaled with healthcare software testing

As the rapid digitization of healthcare grows, telehealth apps face a unique challenge in delivering continuous care on familiar devices. The demand for telehealth apps only compounds the need for healthcare software testing to ensure a great user experience while scaling quickly and efficiently. Partnering with a crowdsourced testing vendor opens up immediate access to coverage for devices and locations, accelerated testing velocity, zero operational overhead, and increased ROI.

Producing JMeter Tests from OpenAPI

Swagger in conjunction with OpenAPI is a way for REST API’s to be build, documented and consumed. It is defined in either YAML or JSON. OpenAPI and Swagger are both open source, and their use is commonplace amongst development teams and can make the life of a performance tester a lot easier as it allows us to build JMeter tests directly from the definition of the endpoints. The object of this post is to look at how we can produce JMeter tests directly from a Swagger definition.

Challenges of Textual Data and the Progression of Textual Analytics

In the beginning, simple systems collected data, wrote data to files, and created reports. For the most part, these systems operated on transaction-based data—bank deposits, sales, telephone calls, and the like. An entire infrastructure supported these essential business systems, but there was little or no place for text. All data was highly and tightly structured, and text was ignored.