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Low-Code Software Testing: How to Get Your Org on Board

Every business wants to mature rapidly. For software testing and QA professionals, terms such as low-code application testing, codeless tools and automation would definitely ring a bell. From a market perspective, a product perspective, and especially, a tech stack perspective, everyone knows that ensuring quality is key in software development.

Performance optimization techniques used in Asgardeo - Part 01

This post explains the approaches we used to improve performance in our application. This knowledge will also assist you in applying these strategies to your projects as required. Please keep in mind that this post series focuses solely on the front end. According to the official website, Asgardeo is an IDaaS that allows developers to create seamless login experiences in minutes.

Composing Effective Consumer Onboarding Workflows, Part 1

Consumer onboarding is one of the, if not the most, important functions of a customer identity and access management (CIAM) solution. An overly complicated onboarding workflow significantly detracts from the consumer experience. Providing an effective, engaging and efficient onboarding workflow without compromising security has always been a challenge among security and risk professionals.

Composing Effective Consumer Onboarding Workflows, Part 2

In part 1 of this series, we introduced the three most common abstract workflows based on the method in which they are initiated. But what makes an abstract workflow a concrete workflow are the different types of components that make up the workflow. In this article, we will take a look at these components.

10 Tools to Help You Create Shareworthy Content

Creating content that your readers will feel compelled to share on social media is crucial to reaching a wider audience. Nevertheless, content marketers can sometimes overlook the importance of this kind of organic exposure when putting together a strategy to gain visibility. This is mainly because sharing is out of their hands. No matter what tactics you use, you can never bank on a certain number of readers liking, tweeting, or posting a link to your latest article.

5 BigCommerce Tech Stack Tools You Need to Know About

Our Five Key Points: There are so many e-commerce platforms to choose from, from Shopify to eBay to open-source solutions like Magento. BigCommerce is a popular choice thanks to a clear pricing structure and the ability to provide online stores that give consumers the best purchasing experience. You can improve on this even further with the right BigCommerce tech stack tools from other e-commerce solution providers.

Salesforce Data Migration: Best Practices & Strategies To Make It Successful

Five things you should know about Salesforce best practices for data migration: Migrating data into or out of Salesforce is a time-consuming, but necessary task. However, data migration is a challenge for any e-commerce enterprise. There are both organizational and technical challenges that you need to manage and overcome to ensure a smooth Salesforce integration process. This post helps you develop your data migration strategy for Salesforce.

How ETL Can Help You Succeed as a Big Data Architect

The boom in Big Data has created an insatiable demand for data professionals at all levels. Analysts, DBAs, data engineers, security consultants – employers are crying out for people with the right skills and experience. Perhaps the most sought-after of all these professionals is the big data architect.