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Ep #14: Erik Wilde on Focusing on the Business Case for your API

Eric Wilde is a prolific YouTuber, author, standards contributor and Catalyst at Axway. He's been working in web technologies and APIs for most of his career. And has just finished the second edition of his book Continuous API Management. Eric shares his perspectives on the business aspects of APIs, specifically.

Kong Builders - Kubernetes Ingress Controller: Expose TCP services with Kong

This week, Viktor Gamov will show you how to expose TCP services using Kong #Kubernetes Ingress Controller. Kong Builders is a livestream series that takes our developer-focused toolsets and puts them on display in the best venue possible – building applications and connecting workloads. We’re taking a hands-on, practitioner-focused approach to exploring Kong’s tools. We’ll build from the ground up - debugging/troubleshooting as we run into problems.

Using Snowflake and Dask for Large-Scale ML Workloads

Many organizations are turning to Snowflake to store their enterprise data, as the company has expanded its ecosystem of data science and machine learning initiatives. Snowflake offers many connectors and drivers for various frameworks to get data out of their cloud warehouse. For machine learning workloads, the most attractive of these options is the Snowflake Connector for Python.

How to set up SonarQube and integrate it with Codemagic

SonarQube by SonarSource is the leading tool for continuously inspecting the code quality and security of your codebase and guiding development teams during code reviews. It is an open-source tool that has support for 29 programming languages as of the time of writing this article, and the number is growing. SonarQube’s key features include.