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Kong helps TBC Bank improve their API ecosystem

TBC Bank is a technology-driven company in Georgia. We are happy to announce that we have chosen Kong to improve our API ecosystem and leverage its technological resources, expertise and international footprint to further simplify the daily lives of our users. TBC wanted to partner with a company that, in addition to providing the technology platform required to publish APIs in our bank, would also offer a strategy for developing and implementing API management principles.

From Bricks and Mortar to Taps and Swipes, Accelerated Disruption in Banking Is Set to Continue

In 2019, global venture capital investment in Fintech totaled at least $33.9 Billion. For years, the incumbent players had been warning the sector that when the next recession hit, or when fintech faced a “real” crisis, that the sector would, at worst, collapse, and, at best, see a whole bevy of fintech players disappear

Top 12 Most Challenging Operational Reports

Today’s business leaders face an uncertain economic landscape. In the aftermath of unprecedented business disruption in 2020, organizational decision-makers are turning their focus to new concerns. According to McKinsey research, supply chain disruption, inflation, and a growing labor shortage are now top concerns for the C-suite.

Operational Efficiency with Talend Stitch? Best. Gift. Ever.

It’s the ultimate Catch-22. As businesses grow, executives need to keep a close watch on operations — but that growth itself can blur visibility. Multiple teams, data sources, and silos of information can create challenges in determining who is doing what, where inefficiencies exist, and what improvements should be made.

One Line Away from your Data

Data Science tools, algorithms, and practices are rapidly evolving to solve business problems on an unprecedented scale. This makes data science one of the most exciting fields to be in. As exciting as it is, practitioners face their fair share of challenges. There are well-known barriers that slow down predictive modeling or application development. Finding the right data and getting access to it are two of the top pain points we hear from our customers.

APIs Are the Building Blocks of Green Innovation

This is the second part of our three-part blog series on APIs, sustainability and climate change. Missed the first part? Check it out here. In this blog, we examine ways to consume and embed APIs to make our own processes greener and show how APIs are the building blocks of a new wave of green innovation. The API economy – and therefore the ways we can use APIs to cut carbon emissions and make technology more sustainable – is not just about building APIs but consuming them too.