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A Glimpse Into How AI Is Modernizing Data for the Financial Services Industry

Organizations in the financial services sector face a unique set of challenges as they consider how to wrangle and process the vast amount of data they collect. During our Financial Services Summit, I was lucky enough to speak to Brian Anthony, chief data officer for the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB), to learn how the MSRB is integrating technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to modernize its data.

Analysts Can Now Use SQL to Build and Deploy ML Models with Snowflake and Amazon SageMaker Autopilot

Machine learning (ML) models have become key drivers in helping organizations reveal patterns and make predictions that drive value across the business. While extremely valuable, building and deploying these models remains in the hands of only a small subset of expert data scientists and engineers with deep programming and ML framework expertise.

How Snowflake Support Is Continuously Improving the Customer Experience

At Snowflake, putting the customer first is an essential company value. But “customer-centric” is more than just a buzzword: We use a data-driven, outside-in lens on everything we do, at all levels of the company. In particular, here’s how Snowflake Support is listening to you—our customers—and continuously improving the Snowflake customer experience at every touchpoint.

Qlik and UiPath - The Power of Active Intelligence and Enterprise Workflows for Action

The business world is rapidly pivoting all the time. Strategic shifts, reprioritization and being first all require being smart while moving fast. The value of agility has never stood out more due to the need to react to new realties in everything from public health, remote and in-office business policies and workflows, to broader economic concerns like supply chain as we move into recovery and revitalization.

Top 10 Tools to Make the Quality Description for Your Product

For any e-commerce business, having an extensive product catalogue with detailed descriptions is essential. If you present your products or services well, there will be more potential customers eager to purchase from you. The biggest issue, however, is usually the fact that you have to create very many product descriptions that are very similar to one another. Making these feels too repetitive and mundane which could lead you to getting tired quickly.