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Run Espresso Tests on Sauce Labs

In this video, get a quick, 2-minute demonstration of how you can run an Espresso test against an Android app on Sauce Labs using saucectl. Using the example code, use the saucectl test runner to upload app and test file to Sauce Labs, and see how you can use the Sauce Labs platform to run tests in parallel, and share results with this quick proof-of-concept.

How to Use CSV Data Set to Configure JMeter Tests

Apache JMeter is a Java-based, open source testing tool, which can help you create and run functional and load tests for Websites, APIs (REST and SOAP) and other web services. In this example we are going to have a look on how to create and run a JMeter test using a CSV file for our data, and consume the data in our test from that CSV file. First, let’s open JMeter and create a new JMeter test script. Add a Thread Group Inside the Thread Group add the following.

PHP Profiling: Find Slow Code in Your Application

Over the course of two decades, a lot of data has been made available online in order to fully realise PHP's potential. It is one of the most widely used programming languages, and some consider it to be one of the easiest to learn. Even the most advanced languages require some assistance. Many PHP tools available in its vast ecosystem can be of assistance. The most valuable tool is a PHP profiler. In general, profilers are beneficial to all levels of developers.

Easier administration and management of BigQuery with Resource Charts and Slot Estimator

As customers grow their analytical workloads and footprint on BigQuery, their monitoring and management requirements evolve - they want to be able to manage their environments at scale, take action in context. They also desire capacity management capabilities to optimize their BigQuery environments. With our BigQuery Administrator Hub capabilities, customers can now better manage BigQuery at scale.