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Run a Web App Test on Sauce Labs - Selenium Java

Learn how to add capabilities in a Seleniujm Java test using MutableCapabilites to set options such as username and access key for the Sauce Labs platform, and also add the capabilities such as browserName, browserVersoin, and platformName to configure which environment your test runs in. You will also learn to instantiate a RemoteWebDriver on Sauce Labs using the endpoint for the data center you are testing in.

Adding a Test Name - Selenium Java

Learn to pass the test name for a Selenium Java test to the Sauce Labs cloud, using the JUnit4 TestWatcher class. Create a rule and implement TestWatcher, and at the start of a test, pass the test name to the name capability so your name will appear with your test results on the Automated Testing results page. Connect with Sauce Labs on Social Media Twitter: @saucelabs.

Add a Test Status on Sauce Labs - Selenium Java

In this video, you will learn to communicate the test outcome status with a Selenium Java test, to Sauce Labs. Sauce Labs needs information from the test or test runner to be able to display whether a test passed or failed on the Sauce Labs dashboard. This tutorial will show you how to; capture the sessionId from RemoteWebDriver, create a connection with the SauceRest API, and pass information about the pass or fail status with TestWatcher of your test using the Sauce REST API, and the sessionId.

Run Selenium Java Tests on Different Browsers on Sauce Labs

In this tutorial learn how to use different browser options with a Selenium Java Test to set the browser you would like to run your tests in on Sauce Labs. Use a switch statement using Selenium BrowserType class to detect the browser, then add browser options to set capabilities for 5 different types of browsers. Finally, you will see how to run tests on different browser (and operating systems).

Run Java Tests in Parallel on Sauce Labs

In this lesson you will be learning how to set up your Selenium Java test to run tests in parallel on Sauce Labs with the JUnit4 test runner. Using the Maven Surefire Plugin, you can run two or more tests or classes at the same time. In this tutorial you will; include the Maven Surefire Plugin in pom.xml, use the plugin with the parallel tag to run tests in parallel, and finally, add some additional configuration to optimize running tests in parallel on Sauce Labs.

Rollbar Tip of the Day: Filter by Date Range

Learn how you can filter your items and occurrences by date range in the UI. Rollbar is the leading continuous code improvement platform that proactively discovers, predicts, and remediates errors with real-time AI-assisted workflows. With Rollbar, developers continually improve their code and constantly innovate rather than spending time monitoring, investigating, and debugging.

k6 v0.33.0 released

It's once again the end of a release cycle for us here at k6, and this time we're happy to announce that k6 v0.33.0 is here! 🎉 The v0.33.0 release is a small one, mainly containing a bunch of minor bugfixes and enhancements, but is also laying the groundwork for some major new features like the upcoming k6/execution API in k6 v0.34.0. To read the full release notes, see the GitHub Release for v0.33.0.

Configuring a Kubernetes Application on Kong Konnect

Hello, everyone! Viktor Gamov, a developer advocate with Kong here. In this article, I would like to show you how to set up service connectivity using Kong Konnect and Kubernetes. I will deploy an application in Kubernetes, configure a runtime through Konnect and demonstrate some management capabilities like enabling plugins. Let’s dive right in!

JWT Authentication: When and How To Use It

JWT stands for JSON Web Token, is a famous technology that comes with its own controversy. Few people find it quite beneficial, while others feel one must never use it. Nonetheless, in this article, we shall discuss the reason behind this controversy, understand JWT in detail, and when and why one must use it. We'll cover the following section in this blog. JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication is a process or method used to verify the owner of JSON data.